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Swinging Heaven Santa Soiree Saturday 26th November 2016 Xtasia 8pm 3am

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125 replies
5 watchers

ello add my name to the list plz smile 

Just popping in to see how plans are coming along. Looking good so far, should be a great night and good to see a few old friends on the list too. If anyone has any queries we can answer, please feel free to contact us. Lots of info on our web site. Also remember if not already a member, and you are attending, you need to go through the site to pre-authorise your membership for us, as per the initial post. Thanks in advance.

Hotel Booked smile Looking forward to the weekend smile 

Sounds like it could be fun, please put us on the list

We will try to arrange some sitters for the weekend and arrange sometime away for the both of us. We can update later once arrangements have been made

I would like to attend - do they have a reduction for old gits like me sillyhwoar:Please add me to the list 

it would be rude not to ;)

Can i be considered for this event please smile

Missy xx

It's about time I went to one of these.  Is there room for me too?

Can I sign up please. smile

Quote by captjack21
I would like to attend - do they have a reduction for old gits like me phwoar.gifPlease add me to the list 

Your carer will have to pay full whack though capt.

Pop us down as maybe's please, need to check a little closer to the date to make 100% Kinks hasn't been there for many a year, and I've never been, so should be good.

Kinks birthday on the 22nd, so could be a late party smile

We've signed up on the form and everything, so mark us as attending please smile 

Hoorah more excitement..... I'm paid and I'm booked xxxx

Quote by _Boobs_
Hoorah more excitement..... I'm paid and I'm booked xxxx

 Excellent :-)

Quote by apey_kinks
We've signed up on the form and everything, so mark us as attending please happy.gif 

 Have fun xxxx

Would love to join the festivities if you'll have

can you ut me on the list lese, roblem with keyboard

Unfortunatley we are no longer able to attend the soiree due to work commitments on the Sunday. Hope you all have a great time !!!!

Can i get on the the list, pretty please .......?? ;)

List updated, some of you should hear from Lassy re the next step

Local hotels were showing as full on websites when I recently checked. Rang hotel direct and got a room at discounted rate quoting Xtasia fyi's.

All mails sent xxx


Could you resend me the details please xx

Grrrrr all the rooms have gone. If anyone has a room and decides not to go can they give me first refusal please

Quote by jamie_leigh
Grrrrr all the rooms have gone. If anyone has a room and decides not to go can they give me first refusal please

Have you tried ringing them direct as referred to above Jamie?