I would like to come if it's ok. Please count me in!
Quote by MartyCleveland
blondeslave Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:57 pm Post subject:
MartyCleveland wrote:
Hmmmm sounds like fun
Marty xxxx
I know it sounds like fun..... but r u coming??? lol lol lol
Mmmmmmmmm yes please
Quote by PeBbLeSDeMoN
Would love to come up Blondeslave......But gonna be a couple of hectic days for us.
Hope you all have a great time though!
Quote by kinkyluton
a meet near my new home town.. put us down as a maybe please
i know a lady who loves the pubs in your home town blondeslave...
i promise we will both behave and not be to loud..and not dance stuped and sing silly..
:beer: :karaoke: :happy: