As a few people have dropped out, there are a couple of spaces available, so if anyone would like to attend, who is a member of this site, and can be vouched for, please get in touch with me ASAP.
Alex xxx
Come to Sunny Teesside!!!! - you know you want to!
Yes, you too can enjoy the flavoursome atmos of an evening’s piss-uppery in spectacular Costa del Tees.
Please join myself and Marya_Northeast as we partake of a local pub one fine Saturday evening in April. (weather tbc)

The Teesside Social will take place on Saturday 14th April 2007. It will be in a public “vanilla” environment so the usual rules apply :beer: .
We have contacted the venue and arranged for us to have an area all to ourselves from till 1am! We will be away from the main punters but please respect that this is still a vanilla environment so please dress/behave accordingly!
The event is open to anyone, however, you must be a genuine full member of the site, be known, or be able to be vouched for.
As this is advertised on another site, we have an obligation to make you aware that there maybe banned members from this site attending. A full member list is available to all attendees.
Bring it on!!! :cheers:
Your Teesside hostesses Alex & Marya

For those people on the confirmed list - if for whatever reason you cannot attend, please let me or Marya know as soon as possible, then your place can be offered to the next person on the reserve list, many thanks.
The people on the reserve list will be informed when a space on the guest list becomes available.
Alex & Marya xxxxx