just got back!.. what a great night that was!!!
Thanks to Pebbles & Demon for organising such a good laugh and an excellent evening of entertainments. (Thanks for finding our hotel for us too - the four poster bed was a lovely surprise and saw it's fair share of fun ;) )
Saw loads of old faces and met some very nice new ones too. We won't name them all in case we miss someone out but ............
Marmalaid....... where do you get all your bloody energy from ??? ...and send us the piccies please.
Have an excellent Wedding Day Pebbles & Demon .. you make a lovely couple and we cant wait to meet up with you again.
All the best.
Wishmaster & blondeslave. xxxxx
Hi Babes
I know he has already said Hi and Thanx............... but I had to say it too !!!!
It was really the best SH do I have been to so far !! A really really great night with lovely lovely people........
Have to say............... dont wear Mascara when you get married coz if 20 blokes singing to you makes you cry..... I can just imagine what you will be like when Demon say I DO !!!
Hope you have the "best day of your Lives" and a very long and loving future together..
Thanx again for a truely lovely wonderful fun Party.
echoing everything everyone has said so far..exceent evening... lots of lovely people.....and tbone too lol... mind you..i cant stop smiling cos at long last tbone bought me a drink with his own money last night... in fact he bought me three drinks during the evening..what a result....
congrats to you both pebbles and demon..and have a very happy life together...and hope its not as long till we meet up again....
love to you both
Thanks guys for a really good night. My first meeting and it certainly won't be the last.
hello - just wanted to add my thanks to pebbles and demon for inviting us last night - we had a great time and i hope people can back me up now im not male. i found everyone wonderful and friendly and well thanks a lot :-D
david48 - great to finally meet after all our special kisses in the chatroom
have a great life together pebbles and demon - u seem so happy together
a final note - if u see someone around the forums under mr krazykayaker - thats my man :-D
Hi Guys. Just to reiterate what everyone else has said. For a first 'toe in the water' we couldn't have found a better event. We went from nervous to relaxed and happy in a short leap.
Pebbles & Demon thank you for being great hosts (and providing a great buffet!). See You next time.
Mr & Mrs Klimkov
(see we did exist!)
i am going to add my thanks as welll
can i say thank you to both pebbles and demon for the brilliant evening i had.. even though i lost my mobile phone.... again!!!!!
i'd also like the say thank you to the old friends i have and for the new friends i made....
sorry i never got to sing the orginal "10 pint" karaoke song... but hopefully it wasn't a bad replacement........
may you both be happy for years and years to come........
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxx
David48,Essexlady is still waiting :shock:
Right, I'm finally in a fit state to write something....LoL......Was so tired by the time I finally got home that I just slept for most of the time......
Thanks to Pebbles and Demon for a fantastic night.....it was one of the best nights I've had so far.....
And thanks to Roger for giving me "the look" and also for giving me the guts to go out dressed like that.....well at least I didn't get too warm this time :twisted:
Was a fabulous night....can't wait to see the pics Marms.....
I'm really not suggesting anyone took it and to be honest dont want to destroy this thread with it..But alot of our rooms were in a right pickle,my hope is that it has got mixed up in someone elses ..nuff said..I only posted it here so people are aware and to check their stuff.....
Huggggggs Pebbs xxxxxx
Hi Pebbs and Demon
I'm probably going to re-hash a lot of thoughts that many have already said - but you know me - i'm a man of few, un-original thoughts.
I had an amazing weekend, It was great to see friends, both new and old, and breakfast on Saturday was a real "experience". After the past few months, and the last few days especially - The chance to get away and unwind a little - was just the tonic i needed.( for all others who are wondering - the news will filter through over the next few days)
I'm afraid I didn't find your purse amongst my belongings - but I did find essexlady's stockings on the back seat of the car! ( what ever were you doing?)
Now I can finally say I've busted my SH munch cherry - heres to many more.
P.S - next time can we have a party theme that doesn't involve me having to dress up in black rubber?