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Thanks to the guys who showed up today

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7 watchers
hi there
thanks to the guys who showed up for todays meet smile
and to the guys who didnt show your LOSS
us girls had a good time could of gone abit more fun tho hehehehe
cya soon jo xxx
Whip em Jo...
See ya soon.
sorry i couldnt come jo
but at least i let you know in enough time
at least you still had fun
hopefully i will be able to go to your next one :thumbup:
whip them that sounds good hehehe
yes im sure we will meet again 1 day soon jamnat
cya soon jo xxx
i wouldnt whip em jo
they might like it
so why give them the pleasure
while i was hard at work (you can start crying fot me now) my male counterparts here are having a good time. and i was meant to have today off but got called in last minut. life just aint fair.
PS glad you had a good time biggrin :happy: smackbottom
Quote by gingerjo-lee
hi there
thanks to the guys who showed up for todays meet smile
and to the guys who didnt show your LOSS
us girls had a good time could of gone abit more fun tho hehehehe
cya soon jo xxx

Damn, I had free time this aft, but yer list was full so I didn't pm you jo sad I'm sure you had a good time tho cool
To the no-show black-bookers, you lost out on a good time guys and made others miss out to boot, well done guys rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes
had a good time
but must of been sum of the guys first time at group sex so was abit slow with not much fun as i hoped
oh well nevxt time lol
jo xx
Quote by gingerjo-lee
hi there
thanks to the guys who showed up for todays meet smile
and to the guys who didnt show your LOSS
us girls had a good time could of gone abit more fun tho hehehehe
cya soon jo xxx

Oh Jo....why oh why do people say they want to come then don't turn up :!: confused: mad
It makes me so angry :!:
Do they get off on it confused:
Glad you girls had a nice time, wish I could have been there :!: wink
Best wishes anyway xx
Quote by master55
hi there
thanks to the guys who showed up for todays meet smile
and to the guys who didnt show your LOSS
us girls had a good time could of gone abit more fun tho hehehehe
cya soon jo xxx

Oh Jo....why oh why do people say they want to come then don't turn up :!: confused: mad
It makes me so angry :!:
Do they get off on it confused:
Glad you girls had a nice time, wish I could have been there :!: wink
Best wishes anyway xx
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Pete and I have come to the conclusion that a lot of guys are just fantasists. They get their kicks out of thinking about attending, imagining everything that would/could happen....................but that is enough for them. When it actually comes time for their fantasies to become reality, they bottle it. Why, we don't know.
Glad you had a great time should have request help I would have been there
but you made the final list,
remember next time!
count me in
jon confused
Quote by Lissa
hi there
thanks to the guys who showed up for todays meet smile
and to the guys who didnt show your LOSS
us girls had a good time could of gone abit more fun tho hehehehe
cya soon jo xxx

Oh Jo....why oh why do people say they want to come then don't turn up :!: confused: mad
It makes me so angry :!:
Do they get off on it confused:
Glad you girls had a nice time, wish I could have been there :!: wink
Best wishes anyway xx
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Pete and I have come to the conclusion that a lot of guys are just fantasists. They get their kicks out of thinking about attending, imagining everything that would/could happen....................but that is enough for them. When it actually comes time for their fantasies to become reality, they bottle it. Why, we don't know.
Perhaps they havn't got the courage of their own convictions confused: dunno
Hi Jo
Sorry to hear that some blokes messed you about by not turning up. I thought you handled the thread very well and were very polite to everyone. I didn't post because I wasn't sure if I would be around, so wouldn't want to waste your time.
Anyway glad to hear you enjoyed yourselves - hope there will be other opportunities and, if I'm sure to be available, I might apply to add my name to your list - if you'll have me.
Good luck
lissa i even put in my post for the meet that i dont want to guys to watch stand there or just wank what more can a girl do lol
oh well boys keep a eye out for the next meet prob b next week sum time
thanks jo xxx
It pisse.s me off this sort of thing. If your not prepared to fight dont go into battle.
How could you not show up, I would have liked to have been there but I was in Berlin.
Spending 3 days in a unisex sauna which was
I know I am new to this forum but I was involved quite a bit a couple of years back and got disiilusioned with the timewasters.
They are full of single men who just get turned on by the thought of doing the deed when it comes down to it.. I apoligise if you are a single male and not like this ^^^
Rant over
Don't know why guys didn't turn, but if you want a reliable male let me know next time. I wanna make my dreams real. :P
PM me next time. biggrin
Its not good when guys put there name down for something and dont turn up, it tars the rest of us with the same gooo!
Although i never put my name down ginger jo, due to being unable to attend i would be up for other meets if time allows, i'll watch this space smile
steff xx
Hi again jo, met you at the gg girls night the other week, and would have loved to meet you and Lee again last week. Was unable to attend cuz of family stuff though, but will keep an eye out for your next meet and hope i can get an invite??
Take care both of you.
bazza babaes
of course i will add your name on my next meet smile
cya soon jo xxx
There I was in Scotland freezing my bits off - they had icicles sooooooo big up there - and no internet connection for miles. Would have loved to have been there. Let me know when the next one is, pm me. Hope to meet soon.
Drewbomb xxx
sorry but i dont pm guys when my next meet is as i wouldnt have time to have a meet if i pm'ed all the guys lol
i post messages on the forums for all to see
thanks jo xxx
hi babes, just to say thanks for the meet which i enjoyed thoroughly , thanks to lee and ureself for the hospitality , and the good shags, lol, anyone that didnt turn up its there loss , see u soon xxxxxxx
Hi Jo
I love your new avatar...that pierced nipple looks ripe for some attention from a willing tounge.
Very disappointed to learn that you were let down, especially as I could have made it on friday but saw your post too late, as a result of being away earlier in the week. I'll definitely try to spot your next announcement, and if I'm free (& invited) i would love to come along.
And i won't stand on the fringes and masturbate!!
love and kisses
Quote by silentsven
Hi Jo
I love your new avatar...that pierced nipple looks ripe for some attention from a willing tounge.

Yeah, but the old avatar showed a ripe ass! smile
you know boys i always change my avtars lol
depends on which mood im in
and the mood im in is boobs smile
jo xx
Quote by gingerjo-lee
lissa i even put in my post for the meet that i dont want to guys to watch stand there or just wank what more can a girl do lol
oh well boys keep a eye out for the next meet prob b next week sum time
thanks jo xxx

i'll keep my eye out for that meet.........just hoping i get like standing in line at school waiting to be picked for the soccer team...*lol*
Quote by dave8761
lissa i even put in my post for the meet that i dont want to guys to watch stand there or just wank what more can a girl do lol
oh well boys keep a eye out for the next meet prob b next week sum time
thanks jo xxx

i'll keep my eye out for that meet.........just hoping i get like standing in line at school waiting to be picked for the soccer team...*lol*
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
Nice one Dave
I'm sure GingerJo would orefer if the soccer team did turn up, with no drop puts due to injury. lol
Quote by Lissa
hi there
thanks to the guys who showed up for todays meet smile
and to the guys who didnt show your LOSS
us girls had a good time could of gone abit more fun tho hehehehe
cya soon jo xxx

Oh Jo....why oh why do people say they want to come then don't turn up :!: confused: mad
It makes me so angry :!:
Do they get off on it confused:
Glad you girls had a nice time, wish I could have been there :!: wink
Best wishes anyway xx
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Pete and I have come to the conclusion that a lot of guys are just fantasists. They get their kicks out of thinking about attending, imagining everything that would/could happen....................but that is enough for them. When it actually comes time for their fantasies to become reality, they bottle it. Why, we don't know.
Lissa - could have told you that ages ago. I organise a little party scene and have given up on getting guys off the internet for just that reason. Now if I haven't seen them in action somewhere first, I don't bother...and even then, you have to invite twicwe as many as you need because half can't / don't make it for one reason or another. rolleyes