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the legallity of meet-ups ? plus a couple of other q's

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hi all,
sorry for asking what is probably a very obvious question but im very new to this...
In the other forum someone put out a message saying the police were counducting "entrapment" and nabbing people using adverts on this forum. That was for dogging, which involves "criminal voyerism" or however you want to describe it, is setting up meetings for sex illegal ? Im pretty sure it isnt (assuming the sex is done in private, and the ages etc are all ok), is this correct ??
Im gonna post an advert up pretty soon, but dunno if I should include a pic. I know it would generate better responses, but im a little worried about putting a pic up on the net. Its probably unecessary worrying but does anyone have any advice? Also are there many cases of people using other people's pics on this site and if so is there any way to avoid it.
Lastly as a bi male, can anyone give me any general tips about the whole scene and making sure meet-ups are safe ??
Any help greatly appriciated.
All you need to do is use a bit of common sense, Lent. wink
Having sex with strangers is not illegal. If it were, half the maternity units in my area would double as prison cells. lol What they WILL get you on is if any party isn't fully consensual, OR if money changes hands...
All that need concern you are safety matters (leave a message with a pal if you're going to a meet), and making sure the John Thomas is properly coated in his little plastic mac...
As regards the Police and Dogging... It's only the pressure from Mr and Mrs Vanilla that forces them to have a strategy. Keep your behaviour descrete and will out of public view and they couldn't give a monkeys... But always be on your guard for nutters (Police or otherwise) who have an agenda.
Hope this helps...
You mentioned money changing hands.
How does that effect parties.
There are numerous ads on this site for Party Organisations that charge admittance & memebership fees - surely that must be legal otherwise they couldnt advertise?
Are the ppl that attend breaking the law??
Private clubs which restrict membership are all over the place - Golf Clubs, private health clubs, Football Clubs, Working Mens' Clubs, Labour Clubs, Conservative Clubs, Liberal Clubs (old style!!), private libraries etc etc etc - nothing illegal in being a member or attending events and most charge fees to be a member.
We DON'T allow ads for parties where a charge is made and all Clubs are in the Review section of the site - if we find any 'members' trying to sneak an ad in for a place in the guise of an ordinary posting we take extreme and effective action!!
I think it's worth pointing out that money changing hands for sex isn't actually illegal either (even though it's something that's not allowed on this site). The law in this area is complex though. Google around if you want more detail.
Nicking people's pics is rife - just ask Heather!!! It's NOT ALLOWED and we always ban/delete/decapitate when we find out. Of course, it's very difficult to tell sometimes cos both parties can swear blind it's them... could be twins I suppose.
Most often the TTTTs steal from porn sites and then we can tell - or, in the case of Heather she knew it was her and not the other person! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Soliciting is an offence - ,whether in real dosh or goods (i.e. lingerie and hotel rooms) comes under that. We don't allow either the offering or asking for reward. Just a orgasm would do me!!! lol :lol:
Oh yes.... indeed people do steal pics and use them as their own, both on this site and others mad . Swinging Heaven has a VERY STRICT policy that anyone using pics that are not their's are de-actiavted straight away. Of course it does not stop them using them for their own purposes in private :shock:
There is nothing illegal about meeting strangers in private (provied the acts you do are legal of course). Swinging clubs are legal and above board. The only times they are likely to attract the police is if it is thought there is drug taking or the like on the premises. Having sex outdoors is also not illegal provided no-one complains or in a public loo. This is obviously a grey area, but if you are in a private enough place where you cannot obviously be over-looked the police really won't give a shit. They are more concerned about the nutters that turn up at car parks at the mo than they are about arresting doggers.
If you chose to put a pic on the site, you are doing nothing illegal and the police will not try to trap you just for meeting strangers! Nutters might try it on, but the police have better things to do - REALLY!
I'd just like to say on the topic of people using other people's pictures..........................I have had my face pictures used a hell of a lot by people wanting to print them out and hang them above the fireplace to keep the kids
Seriously though mate, most of the people on here are genuine, and those that aren't are usually caught out pretty early on.
Well, get this for cheek and I might add, completely the wrong way to get a shag....
Once - a few months back now - some guy contacted me for a meet after seeing the pics on Silkies. I said no as he wasn't what we were lookimg for. He then said cos we refused to meet him that he would steal all the pics from Silkies and post them as his own on his website confused
I told him to go for it. But can someone call Crime Stoppers, there's a thieving blackmailer about :shock: