i've been swinging for about year now, and was wondering if there are ever any meets for jst the younger swingers on here?
i realise that a lot of people in this age group are timewasters, but it also makes it harder for us to meet similar people.
if there isn't i would love to try and organise something. just testing the water now but perhaps in the near future even if its just a low key pub meet thing.
Just my thoughts, for what they are worth, but I very much doubt that any of the regulars would want to attend or arrange a social just for the under 35's. Socials are about meeting different people, the diversity, and by restricting it to only certain age groups would in fact be defeating the object.
Now for private meets (parties and the like) it is entirely up the organiser if they want to put age restrictions on, but again, most people are not ageist and want to get on with the person rather than meet someone from purely because they are from a certain age range.
I totally agree and am in a similar boat mate and if you orgainse anything please let me know would love to meet