looked at this post and the responce
think some people on here ,are very narrow minded sex is for everybody not just the one who are
lucky enough to be fit and able bodied and attractice to the other sex . or same sex .from what ever reason they still live and breath and have feelings just like you
and i bet theres plenty os sexy dissabled ladies and gents who would like to play but darnt ask
ffs give every body a break hey ?
Hear Hear Darkfire and Banditt...I think some regulars on this forum just wait for new posts so they can ridicule ridicule and pick holes (Sad but true)
So the guys syntax and grammar left a lot to be desired but ffs the blokes been dealt a bad set of cards by life, the least he can expect is a modicum of respect from a supposedly accepting community such as ours...And I thought I was a kinky bastard cos I liked older women...lol...By the way on the subject of older women...Message me if you want the best three seconds of your life!