The next meet I have arranged is for the evening of Wed 21st Sept, it is with a mature couple in a hotel near preston, she is in great shape for her age and is insatiable

Im looking for guys to help me give her a great night with as much cock as she can handle!
Those who have previously been invited to a meet let me know if you can make this one and ill pass your details on. Those who haven't please contact me via PM if you are interested, include a bit of information about yourself - 'Im interested' or similar one liners will be imediately rejected.
Im after interesting relaxed people, if you cant join in a conversation or follow my simple instructions then dont bother!

Had 5 guys confirmed to give a very sexy horny lady a good

This has now dropped to 3 + me as work has dragged 2 guys away

Anyone interested in helping this greedy girl have a few more cocks (only if attached to pleasant guys!) at her disposal get in touch.
There will be more meets available to successful candidates
UPDATE - all the people who have responded should have received a PM from me, If not please let me know :wink:
Had a good number of replies and now have enough single males for the first two meets (28th July and 4th August), however feel free to post if you are interested. I am looking to get the numbers on the 'list' up to around 20 so we can always expect to be able to get 10 together for the really greedy girls. :rascal:
I'm Fraser, see my profile (or forum spam ;) ) for the rest about me.
I have a few girls and couples looking for me to help them get a reliable, friendly, horny group together for regular fun at NORTH WEST hotels or parties hosted by a member of the group. We may also consider club meets and outings in the future.
In total I'm looking for about 10-12 guys and as many girls or couples as wish to join ;)
So far I have 2 couples and 3 females interested - but only one male I trust enough to recommend to them. (Don't get too big headed fella!!)
I am not doing this entirely for my own benefit, any replies will be passed to the others, it will be the ladies and couples who get the final say. You will need to impress as the females are all very high quality, professional, intelligent and deserve only the best, I will not recommend anyone I don't trust.
Bullshitters, time wasters and dreamers need not apply.