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Urgent Update - meet cancelled

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1 watcher
hi there
Wanted single guys for a 2 girl gang bang monday 12noon till 3pm guys ages between 25 to 45
we live in north manchester
if there is any single guys i dont know and fancy meeting up the meet would be in a local pub first then back to mine for fun
i want single guys that will get involed and sort me out, i dont want any voyeors or guys standing there wanking
so guys if u dont like groups or just want to watch pls dont get in touch
any single guys I know will get priority
any single guys i dont know pls leave a message or pm me and tell me a little about yourselfs
if your not into CUDDLY fems pls dont get in touch
invites for the meet will go out on sunday afternoon
thanks jo x
Edit - due to unforseen circumstances, this meet has now been cancelled. Very sorry for the short notice.
Jo................Just PM'd you.
hiya planemike
sorry looking for guys between 25 to 45
thanks jo x
sorry jo i am in work maybe next time !!!
hi hun im free monday only down the road to biggrin
take a days hoilday lol
sunset will send u details of the meet on sunday be good to meet you
thanks jo xx
hiya Ginger
I may be able to attend but won't know till monday itself - if thats ok keep me in mind
Too old, Jo ?!!!!!!!!
geoff69smith will you let me know b4 11am pls
cheshbloke ive sent you a pm back
planemike yes your to old as were looking for guys between 25 and 45yrs
thanks jo x
Hi jo, sounds like heaven. Not sure if i can get time off work but would love to come if i can and i am invited. meggo. xxx
hiya jo,
I can be there if invited xxx
simon xxx
heya jo, you wouldn't be leanent and let a 24 year old join you?
if not , i'll see you on tues night smile
Hi jo would love to cum and I am free Monday!! Ian
Hi Jo,been to yours before and had a great time,can I cum again ? can i skip pub and cum straight to yours if I get invited, as not sure wot time I'll be there,but don't worry I'll be there !!! xxx
hi jo would really love an invite hope i can get time off work on monday but if i can i will not let you down we have chatted briefly before so i hope i can have an invite! hope to hear from you soon smithers x x x biggrin
Dam I am working Monday too sad
hiya guys smile
will pm you all now
see you on monday :)
ive got enough guys names now for the gang bang
if any drop out tomoz i will come on and post
thanks jo xxx
Hello, jo, see ya havin a party on mon, should be good fun, wish i could have made it but mon i am at work all day :cry: but i know that you will have a fantastic time and i do hope that we meet up very very very soon biggrin and guys if ya get to the party, you will certanly have a BRILL TIME, jo and lee are great hosts and lovely to get on with..... there the best... wink HAVE A BRILL DAY ON MONDAY!!!!!!!! and think of me when your lying on ya back and getting a good seeing :D
susie babes
will be thinking of you smile thinking of our next meet lets make it soon hehehe
cya soon jo xx
Hi Jo , im free monday if any one drops out , ive been before (i was mogsy07 then) if not im sure you l have a great time , i always have
hiya andy
if any 1 drops out i will come on and post on here
thanks jo xx
hi jo, would love to cum along, if invited will know for def on sunday nite if thats ok, how any you looking for cool
like i said in the messages b4 ive got enough single guys 15 of them smile
if any drop out i will come on and post for single guys again
thanks jo x
well i see from your last post youve got quite a few names of guys coming along - am looking forward to having some fun with them smile Jo xxx (and for any guys reading, its the fem half - Jo of the couple thats coming along, so dont worry lol) xx
GingerJo has asked me to let you know that due to unforseen circumstances she will have cancel the meet arranged for tomorrow.
She is unable to put a message on herself as she does not have access to the Internet at the moment and is really sorry to have to cancel at such short notice.
buggernuts sad
Oh well, I hope it isn't anything too serious that has caused this. I'll catch you next time, and hopefully see you two on tuesday night at least biggrin
sorry to hear about the cancellation :cry: hope everythings ok. to say i was looking forward to it is a understatement, but i hope there is a next time soon, take care jo, love smithers x x x
Just caught up with this thread - by which time it's both too late and cancelled!
But I hope it's nothing too serious which has caused the cancellation, and I hope I spot the post for the re-run (or the next one) in time to reply.... would love to meet you!
Manchester Man