I'm looking for a male (max age of 39) to take me to chester zoo for the day, would love to have a picnic there too.
perfer a weekend if possible.
i'm not asking you to pay!! i will pay half of course.
not sure if any sex will be involved depends on moods on the day.
sound interesting? give us a shout can talk in more detail.
Sarah xx
from rhyl, northwales.
I am happy to take you to Chester Zoo. Contact me / drop a line.
have found someone to go with , xx not sure how you delete the post x
Shame you didn't pick me but have a great day x
Hello hows you did see you in room before iam shaun 40 male in the armed forces. Ive just come to end of service and have got plenty of times on my hand if you fancy going for a drink and bite to eat then to zoo. If you require any more infortion then just give me a shout hun i promse to look after