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Warning to Females alone in cars

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A friend of mine just forwarded an email to me
I always lock my car doors - even whilst driving.
Lets all just make sure the people that get in our cars are the ones invited!!
Hugs to all, Alex x
> Subject: PLEASE READ AND PASS ON ASAP - This is not
> JUNK!!!! I have received this email via Securicor / British Transport
> Police and have been asked to forward it around a bit - Quite a scary
> story and certainly advice to consider.
> Subject: PLEASE READ AND PASS ON ASAP - This is not
> Please find below, a report received from British Transport Police.
> Please distribute to your teams, taking the time to read and take
> heed of the advice given. PLEASE STAY ALERT INFORMATION
> A woman stopped at a pay-at-the-pump petrol station to get fuel. Once
> she filled her petrol tank and after paying at the pump and starting
> to leave, the voice of the attendant inside came over the speaker.
> He told her that something happened with her card and that she needed to
> come inside to pay.
> The lady was confused because the transaction showed complete
> and approved.
> She relayed that to him and was getting ready to leave but the
> attendant, once again, urged her to come in to pay or there would
> be trouble.
> She proceeded to go inside and started arguing with the attendant
> about his threat. He told her to calm down and listen carefully:
> He said that while she was filling her car, a guy slipped into the
> back seat of her car on the other side and the attendant had already
> called the police. She became frightened and looked out in time to see
> her car door open and the guy slip out.
> The report is that the new gang 'initiation' thing is to bring back a
> woman and/or her car. One way they are doing this is crawling under
> women's cars whilst they're filling with petrol or at stores at
> night-time.
> The other way is slipping into unattended cars and kidnapping the
> women. Please pass this on to other women, young and old alike. Be
> extra careful going to and from your car at night. If at all possible,
> don't go alone!
> This is real! This alert has originated from a London company
> who had the woman involved in the above instance.
> The message:
> 1. ALWAYS lock your car doors, even if you're gone for just a second!
> 2. Check underneath your car when approaching it and check in the back
> before getting in.
> 3. Always be aware of your surroundings and of other individuals in
> your general vicinity, particularly at night!
Thanks Alex
We need to know all you lovely girls stay safe!!!
Thanks for that, but it is the guy's who get in my car that are at risk.
When i go dogging i make sure i take dogs with me.
I think i should put a note on my car, All Guys Enter At Own Risk.
Thanks for that, but it is the guy's who get in my car that are at risk
When i go dogging i make sure i take dogs with me.
I think i should put a note on my car, All Guys Enter At Own Risk.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Do you think a yorkshire terrier would put anyone off!
Alex x
OOOPS - got all me quote tags mixed up there!!!!!!
Yippee!!!!!!!! - I made the 100 before the Sarge!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Alex x x
Congratulations Alex - all you need now is a proper job :grin:
Hey Mal
I'm working as I chat I'll have you know.
You have to remember
I AM A WOMAN!!!!!!!
Alex x
Quote by Alexandra
Hey Mal
I'm working as I chat I'll have you know.
You have to remember
I AM A WOMAN!!!!!!!
Alex x

Hey Alex
I 'multi-tasked ' last week with someone, first time ever! Surprised us both redface :twisted:
Tell me more........... wink
just kidding!
I will, but only on a PM. Don't forget I'm a gent and very discreet!! redface
(can you handle it whilst still working?)
no problem!
Quote by Alexandra
but do you think a yorkshire terrier would put anyone off!
Alex x

I can garuntee it as my yorkie cross will put any guy to flight
This is a great thread, with some really useful advice. My only comment is that it's not only the ladies who need to be alert and aware of their surroundings. NO-ONE wants to find a nutter with a knife in their car. I know, because it's happened to me!
Okay this may not be brief, but then - am I ever?:
One evening - fairly late having been working on a system installation at a warehouse - I stopped to buy some food and drink at a corner shop (in a none-too-salubrious area of Manchester, but the venue is largely irrevelant). As I got into the driver's seat and closed the door someone else got into the passenger seat (the one drawback of centralised locking!). He demanded £50 or he would cut me and the upholstery to pieces!!
Needless to say he did not get his £50 but it took me a LONG time (over half an hour) to get him out of the car. Whenever I threatened force he said HE would call the police and get me arrested for assault :shock: . The way the law works he might even have been able to rolleyes .
I decided to drive around and keep him talking. Over the next half hour (which was very surreal) we reasoned, shouted, threatened each other - you name it basically. After a while there had been no knife shown - despite lots of threats - so I figured he might be bluffing. Still a pretty big chance to take though.
Eventually, on the pretext of going to a cash machine, I parked and left him in the car (making sure I had the keys of course). I had actually stopped because I had seen a police station. When I got to it I found it was locked (typical!), but I managed to use the emergency phone and after a while two bobbies on foot turned up. They clearly found my story a little far-fetched but agreed to come back to the car with me. Matey-boy was still there and we both had a chance to put our side of the story.
Fortunately, it was my word against his and they believed me. Frankly, he was drugged up to the eyeballs so it wasn't much of a contest. Mind you a pretty unnerving experience.
So, EVERYONE should follow the advice given above:
1. ALWAYS lock your car doors, even if you're gone for just a second!
2. Check underneath your car when approaching it and check in the back
before getting in.
3. Always be aware of your surroundings and of other individuals in
your general vicinity, particularly at night!

Number three is particularly important. It is always worth making sure that no-one is loitering by one of your car doors as you are about to unlock and get in.
Be safe. There are some nasty people out there!
Good grief you - that deserves a HUGE hug.
x xx
Oh, it was some years ago so no big deal.
But hey, hugs are always welcome!!! biggrin
You're right Will
I should not have aimed it just at the ladies!
However, it has not stopped our lovely Gentlemen from reading it so maybe they will take heed too. More especially after reading your story.
And speaking of which, thank God it worked out Okay - Muah Muah Muah!
This forum would be the worse without you!
Alex x x x
This forum would be the worse without you!

Aww, shucks!! redface surprisedops: :oops:
I was good today, I remembered to lock the doors whilst hanging around with intent in a dodgy car park :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: . The guys are still in the car though, too exhausted to move rolleyes . Ha ha, no, the first sentense was true, I just got a bit carried away with the second.
Seriously though - good advice. Safety first and all that 8)
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Alex x x x
Sorry people but this is an Urban Legand from way back!! the email above is a hoax!!!
see here
You will note that it is word for word with this peice of text

A friend stopped at a pay-at-the-pump gas station to get gas.
Once she filled her gas tank and after paying at the pump and starting to leave, the voice of the attendant inside came over the speaker. He told her that something happened with her card and that she needed to come inside to pay. The lady was confused because the transaction showed complete and approved.
She relayed that to him and was getting ready to leave but the attendant, once again, urged her to come in to pay or there'd be trouble. She proceeded to go inside and started arguing with the attendant about his threat. He told her to calm down and listen carefully: He said that while she was pumping gas, a guy slipped into the back seat of her car on the other side and the attendant had already called the police. She became frightened and looked out in time to see her car door open and the guy slip out.
The report is that the new gang initiation thing is to bring back a woman's body part. One way they are doing this is crawling under girls/women's cars while they're pumping gas or at grocery stores in the night time. Then they are cutting the lady's ankles to disable them in order to kidnap them, kill, and dismember them.
The other way is slipping into unattended cars and kidnapping the women to kill and dismember them.
Please pass this on to other women, young and old alike. Be extra careful going to and from your car at night. If at all possible, don't go alone! This is real!!
The message:
1. ALWAYS lock your car doors, even if you're gone for just a second.
2. Check underneath your car when approaching it for reentry, and check in the back before getting in.
3. Always be aware of your surroundings and of other individuals in your general vicinity, particularly at night!
Send this to everyone so your friend will not be the next one.
So dont worry people, cant see many of the UK's gangs doing this initiation.
The original e-mail may or may not be a hoax or urban legend. However my post is from personal experience and NOT a hoax.
Safety is paramount - hoaxes or not - and applies to everyone. Male and female.
My apologies if you feel I intended it as a hoax - it was posted in good faith with the interests of the good people in here at heart. I would never knowingly post anything malicious.
What is important is thre have been cases of this happening - in the UK as well as abroad. Maybe not by gangs, but as in Will's case - druggies trying to get money for their next fix. The more worrying thing about what happened to Will is there was probably a high chance of his potential attacker having AIDS and and physical contact which resulted in a wound could have been even more terrible.
So the advice at the end still stands. If the story which goes before it helps that message stick in people's minds then it has served it's purpose well.
Will - Muah!
Alex x
Whether or not the email sent to Alex was a hoax, the advice at the end of it was real enough, and good advice too. As Will and Alex have already said, safety is the issue here. We should all think about it and not hide our heads in the sand, thinking "this is a hoax, therefore it won't happen in real life". Things like this DO happen in real life. I have friends who have had similar experiences to Will kiss . Car-jacking and kidnap are NOT jokes!
Good advice is still good advice whatever the original source, surely. smile
(oh, and sorry for calling you Shirley.) biggrin
Oddly enough this stunt as described has just been tried at Petrol Station at Calais by a Brit male and strangely enough a girl (ie other than the intended victim) fri p.m. Just to underline the wiseness of the advice! At best probably an attempt to pinch the car!
Lets have a brilliant but safe weekend! wink
Thnaks for posting that Joe - It all helps to get people to realise that these are real dangers and not hoaxes!
Alex x