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wedding reception.

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Quote by well_busty_babe
going to be spending a large part of today checking out my potential venue and compromising with owners over stuff, send me good luck vibes lol
will get the hotel lists sorted out hopefully tomorroe and then my lovely assistant jo will be abke to send them xxxxxxxxxxx

Good luck vibes on their way from me to you sweetheart.
I'll have the hotel list of the fair damsel as soon as poss please and if anyone wants to share the room with me on a purely no-strings/nothing expected sharing costs, please PM me and we'll sort it out.
xx xx
Quote by Marcuso
going to be spending a large part of today checking out my potential venue and compromising with owners over stuff, send me good luck vibes lol
will get the hotel lists sorted out hopefully tomorroe and then my lovely assistant jo will be abke to send them xxxxxxxxxxx

Good luck vibes on their way from me to you sweetheart.
I'll have the hotel list of the fair damsel as soon as poss please and if anyone wants to share the room with me on a purely no-strings/nothing expected sharing costs, please PM me and we'll sort it out.
xx xx
i'd offer but i'm not sure i'd have much chance getting ready in peace with you about lol wink
Earthy xx
venue booked!
will be sorting out hotel details tomorrow and can get them to you all either tomorrow or monday. ta for being patient xxxxxxxxxxxx
right, everyone should have the hotel info in their pm boxes now. if anyone has not got it, i will resend it.
any qs. let me know xxxx
Quote by earthchild
going to be spending a large part of today checking out my potential venue and compromising with owners over stuff, send me good luck vibes lol
will get the hotel lists sorted out hopefully tomorroe and then my lovely assistant jo will be abke to send them xxxxxxxxxxx

Good luck vibes on their way from me to you sweetheart.
I'll have the hotel list of the fair damsel as soon as poss please and if anyone wants to share the room with me on a purely no-strings/nothing expected sharing costs, please PM me and we'll sort it out.
xx xx
i'd offer but i'm not sure i'd have much chance getting ready in peace with you about lol wink
Earthy xx
Promise I'd leave your a*se alone while you're getting ready babes. Once you're ready is a different matter though. :twisted: :twisted:
ok, i really dont have the energy to do another 3 hours of pming you all again :shock: lol, but there is a problem with the hotel list, despite the travellodge showing up on maps, the company say it does not exist, and the nearest one is five miles away from where it shows and the address given for it on maps now. thats about 8 and a half miles from the venue so quite far to be honest. on behalf od travel lodge and myself confused i am sorry sigh!
please ignore the travel lodge info.
Ok hun, hotel's booked and we're all sorted.
See you in July (if not before).
Thanks for the invite guys... kiss :beer:
Hiya from Heather and Terry
We only just spotted your good news and so we send our very best wishes.
Lots of hugs and xxxxxxxx
right i have booked first hotel on the list if anyone else is staying there can you letme know i dont really want to be stuck in a hotel on my own.
Earthy xx
ok, thats me just booked the hotel,
and me and PJbroughton (aka swiss_toni) confirmed. I went for the travel lodge.
I so happy for both of you, congradulations passionkiss
Quote by The-Kent-Hosts
Hiya from Heather and Terry
We only just spotted your good news and so we send our very best wishes.
Lots of hugs and xxxxxxxx
oh my god!! have not seen you two for ages!!! how are you both? thanks so much for the good wishes, infact, i am pming you lol
Quote by earthchild
right i have booked first hotel on the list if anyone else is staying there can you letme know i dont really want to be stuck in a hotel on my own.
Earthy xx
there are a few at that one hun,you will be far from lonely.
did you see the message about the travel lodge ????????? will add tony to the list xx
Quote by hotandwet
ok, thats me just booked the hotel,
and me and PJbroughton (aka swiss_toni) confirmed. I went for the travel lodge.
I so happy for both of you, congradulations passionkiss
i am so excited its unbelievable, i have spent all morning shopping for wedding favours for you all, decorations for the venueand lots of other exciting things that will make it nice, i know 4 months seems ages away, but i have so many things on my to do list it seems like its tomorrow lol.
anyway, i just wanted to ask, because i want it to be really nice, we are trying to do individual little things for people, so if people dont turn up, its going to be a massive waste of time and money. so all i am asking is, if anyone realises they cant come, please let me know asap.
appart from that, i just wanted to say eeeeeeek i am so hyper!
sorry to be thick but is everyone booking the one or as wont say names of hotels on here!!!!!!!!!!
id love to come and celebrate your wedding with you if youll have me biggrin
course u can hunny, will send you the detaisl right away. xxx
Quick plea here!!!
Does anyone want to share a hotel room with a shy, quiet newbie? :twisted:
I can't book a room as I don't use a debit or credit card.
I'm well-behaved and most people can vouch that I'm a nice type of guy.
Nothing expected except sharing the costs.
Quote by Corrie2007
sorry to be thick but is everyone booking the one or as wont say names of hotels on here!!!!!!!!!!

Yoooohooo still trying to work out where peeps are staying!!!!!!! helllllllllllllppppp xxxxxxxxxxxx
corrie, a few people have already booked at the 49 quid one, not sure if anyone has booked at the other xxx
marcuso, i will recomend u to anyone loking for a room mate hunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh my goodness great news massive CONGRATULATIONS TO WBB AND MR TONGUE!!!!
we have met a while ago not sure if you rememeber me? anyway am chuffed to bits for you both love pepps and menace xxxxx
of course we remember you both!!!! kiss passionkiss
thanks hunny xxxxxxxxxxx
Asking again........Please see below, more than happy to meet for a coffee and a chat before the date so you can see I'm a "normal" kind of guy.
xx xx
Quote by Marcuso
Quick plea here!!!
Does anyone want to share a hotel room with a shy, quiet newbie? :twisted:
I can't book a room as I don't use a debit or credit card.
I'm well-behaved and most people can vouch that I'm a nice type of guy.
Nothing expected except sharing the costs.
Quote by Marcuso
I'm a "normal" kind of guy.

Quote by Stuart_Tanina
I'm a "normal" kind of guy.

OI !!!!!!!
smackbottom poke :smackbottom: sillyoke: :fuckinghell:
Bloody cheek!!!....... :twisted: lol
hyah, its me again.
we really are overwhelmed by how many of our friends want to come to our party. we really cant wait to see you all there.
the only thing is, the venue we have hired will be way too full if we have anymore , so we have to say no to everyone else now, sorry.
also, you are all greedy feckers and we cant afford to feed more than 80 of you lol lol
Send out a list of food you want proveded and I will make sure I bring right things along - thats not a problem WBB - sure others will too xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and Marcuso is soooo not normal lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Corrie2007
Send out a list of food you want proveded and I will make sure I bring right things along - thats not a problem WBB - sure others will too xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and Marcuso is soooo not normal lol :lol: :lol:

Right, that's it, I'm bringing the crop AND the cane now smackbottom :twisted: :twisted:
Count me in with the food orders Corrie, let me know what you want me to bring. biggrin
Quote by Marcuso
Send out a list of food you want proveded and I will make sure I bring right things along - thats not a problem WBB - sure others will too xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and Marcuso is soooo not normal lol :lol: :lol:

Right, that's it, I'm bringing the crop AND the cane now smackbottom :twisted: :twisted:
Count me in with the food orders Corrie, let me know what you want me to bring. biggrin
yes please :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Corrie2007
Send out a list of food you want proveded and I will make sure I bring right things along - thats not a problem WBB - sure others will too xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and Marcuso is soooo not normal lol :lol: :lol:

Right, that's it, I'm bringing the crop AND the cane now smackbottom :twisted: :twisted:
Count me in with the food orders Corrie, let me know what you want me to bring. biggrin
yes please :lol: :lol: :lol:
Which one, Crop or Cane? :twisted: :twisted: