So whats happening in Norwich 2Nite?
Sounds like a more interesting night than last night?
Curious in Norwich
Quote by da69ve
Try your local newspaper they must have listings of things happening,you know cinemas and restaurants that kind of thing!
Quote by fabio grooverider
nothing ever happens in norwich dave... trust me...
they will all be out in their ferguson tractors... comparing treads... crunching carotts or pieces of straw.....
norwich is the only place where "godspell" still plays to packed houses....:)
Quote by da69ve
So whats happening in Norwich 2Nite?
Quote by NorfolkBBW
hopes NorwichBBW doesn't see this or she wont let us come to the piss up :shock:
Quote by flapjackboy
they will all be out in their ferguson tractors...
Quote by HarryJones
hopes NorwichBBW doesn't see this or she wont let us come to the piss up :shock:
Quote by NorfolkBBW
hopes NorwichBBW doesn't see this or she wont let us come to the piss up :shock: