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Why be Fussy?

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48 replies
5 watchers
I have only joined in the last few months and posted a beginner question.
I have a sensible reply to it although further replies went off at a tangent and effectively hijacked my question. I would appreciate only sensible replies to my next question which is:
Although I understand ther is a variety of people visiting this site who require anything from just a friendly chat through a spectrum to at the other end, rampant sex, why do people who quite clearly only want sex, ask questions like how big is your weapon, how tall are you, slim are you, overweight are you etc.
Surely if there are people like me who only want sex,and is prepared to make the experience good for the partner why ask all these questions.
My punch line is, if there are any ladies out there who agree with me and are female, any race,age build or colour and live within 50 miles of Heathrow, then send me a PM.
Otherwise, comments would be welcome
Quote by douglas
if there are any ladies out there who agree with me and are female

But you must be fussy, too. You appear not to want male ladies.
Or women who are not ladies.
That rules me out, then.
Quote by Vix
if there are any ladies out there who agree with me and are female

But you must be fussy, too. You appear not to want male ladies.
Or women who are not ladies.
That rules me out, then.
what a mistake to make ruling out one of the best looking women on the site
Some people have specific fantasies they want to fulfill, while others find specific ages/builds/colours most attractive.
It's all very well talkiing about people who "only want sex", but at the end of the day if by "sex" you mean "friction on the genitals" then we can all do that for ourselves quite adequately, from the comfort of our own homes, without having to involve anyone else whatsoever. Anything else is mental stimulation as well as physical so what the mind finds attractive becomes just as important as what makes the body respond.
Quote by roger743
if by "sex" you mean "friction on the genitals".

So that's what we call it now ?? I always thought it was tight underwear
Hi all
Just a note to let you know I have not ignored the responses but PM'd them.
Thanks to Jah, I now know how to post a reply so here it is.
By way of an observation, my first post on this forum received 35 replies but only 1 useful post. All of the others went off at a tangent and hijacked the original question.
So far on this post, I have had 4 replies, 3 useful and one is in the process of carrying out a hijack.
If I compare the results of two posts ie 35 to 1 and 4 to 1 then ignoring the statistical insignificance, these results show a leaning of the readers to prefer techncal questions to answer.
Clear as mud!!!
Quote by douglas
If I compare the results of two posts ie 35 to 1 and 4 to 1 then ignoring the statistical insignificane, these results show a leaning of the readers to prefer techncal questions to answer.
Clear as mud!!!

............ Or posters to have patience and a sense of humour! lol
Iz it cuz I wear iron knickers? :uhoh:
Hi Mal
Sorry about my error in taking the newbie question and attributing it to you.
I thought your posters reply was intended to be witty. i guess i was wrong. Surely your reply to my error should have been in caps?
Douglas, you seem confused. I have PM'd you.
all looks like its getting a bit serious to me. We are all up for sex but i know i have an ideal 'type' of lady and i'm sure most of us have. if the physical form is not to my liking then there will be no sex for me but there are loads of ladies who i dont 'fancy' but are really good friends, I might be loosing my way here but perhaps you will figureout what i mean
So basically Douglas, is this an ad, with you saying that you'll f*ck anything?
Or are you a little more fussy than that?
Do you have an ad/profile by the way that we could all look at?
Well personally I wouldn't say I'm "fussy" but if I'm going to be intimate with a man - meaning have a guy lie naked between my legs and put his penis in my pussy, and/or maybe my mouth, (and if he's lucky my ass) and empty his balls inside me - well I want to at least have some attraction to him!
Hope that's a straight enough answer.
I think 99% of humans are a little fussy on who we sleep with, of course we will turn down certain people if we are not attracted to them on some level. The other 1% get paid for having sex with people rolleyes
i`m a man
i`m not black and muscle bound
and my freddie is`ut poking my eye out when i get a hard on
so if a woman/man wants to shag me i would like it to be after they asked a few question`s
so as not to be disappointed cool
what`s wrong with that ?
Quote by aka loco
i`m a man
i`m not black and muscle bound
and my freddie is`ut poking my eye out when i get a hard on
so if a woman/man wants to shag me i would like it to be after they asked a few question`s
so as not to be disappointed cool
what`s wrong with that ?

Im a man
A Black atheletic build man
my assest is above average
and I still get no replies :cry:
I can accomadate and can travel most places in east anglia
is it that theres no women from east anglia on here?
the other swinging sites seem to have plenty but they cosst too much and the women they have on there they probly just made up to get people to sighn up, which makes me believe theres no women out there who want an inventive sensual experience from me confused
Im new to this but not new to sex lol wink
Ive no problems going and pulling a lady in a club but I quite fancy getting into the swinging scene and ive got a lady friend who would be interested in joiing in with me and another woman :wink:
Quote by douglas
I have only joined in the last few months and posted a beginner question.
I have a sensible reply to it although further replies went off at a tangent and effectively hijacked my question. I would appreciate only sensible replies to my next question which is:
Although I understand ther is a variety of people visiting this site who require anything from just a friendly chat through a spectrum to at the other end, rampant sex, why do people who quite clearly only want sex, ask questions like how big is your weapon, how tall are you, slim are you, overweight are you etc.
Surely if there are people like me who only want sex,and is prepared to make the experience good for the partner why ask all these questions.
My punch line is, if there are any ladies out there who agree with me and are female, any race,age build or colour and live within 50 miles of Heathrow, then send me a PM.
Otherwise, comments would be welcome

I've been on the site 3 months made 5 previous posts and yet women aren't queueing up to fuck me?
I'm prepared to fuck virtually any woman within 50 miles of Heathrow so what are you waiting for?

That's the way it reads to me anyway. Perhaps the women within a 50 mile radius of Heathrow have a little more self worth than that?
Quote by steveg_nw
I've been on the site 3 months made 5 previous posts and yet women aren't queueing up to fuck me?
I'm prepared to fuck virtually any woman within 50 miles of Heathrow so what are you waiting for?

That's the way it reads to me anyway. Perhaps the women within a 50 mile radius of Heathrow have a little more self worth than that?
That's how it reads to me too, but I was biting my cynical tongue for once lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Okay so as I understand it you will shag anything long as its female.
Most girls on here are in a position where they can choose out of a bunch of guys, given that there are so many of why would we choose a faceless newbie who expects only serious replies to his posts and who hasnt even put up an ad so that we can check him out?
Good luck anyway. Enjoy the site (its full of blind, desperate female women who dont give a shit what they get between their legs they are just grateful it is alive. )
wink Blue stop biting your tongue. lol we need the words .
and Douglas if you want instant sex use your hand or try a little patience.
Douglas, bit of serious advice for you mate...
Why not tell people what makes you soooooo very special rather than bitching about people being too fussy. Negativity is sooooo not horny. Everyone has preferences.... even you. Think about it. rolleyes :roll: :roll:
Quote by SunBunny
Good luck anyway. Enjoy the site (its full of blind, desperate female women who dont give a shit what they get between their legs they are just grateful it is alive. )

Oh god. I think that may well have summed up me this morning.....cept I`m not blind, just uncontrollably horny :shock:
Sorry, you can all go back to what you were doing now. Don`t mind me blink
Quote by SunBunny
Enjoy the site (its full of blind, desperate female women who dont give a shit what they get between their legs they are just grateful it is alive.)

Where ?, Where ?, . Obviously , I must be dead :angel:
Quote by VenusnMars
Don`t mind me blink

We don't mind you ......................................too much!! rolleyes :roll: :roll: wink lol :lol:
Thanks all,
So much advice,ranging from useful to insulting.
The reason seems to be Market Forces ie far more women to men.
The responses that suggest I have had no luck are wrong.
I was only asking for opinions which I received in plenty
I must say that I do not know how to reply to individual posts in forum so have only pm'd a few of them. I wanted to reply to some of them in forum, but could not.
Quote by douglas
Thanks all,
So much advice,ranging from useful to insulting.

I don't think they were necessarily insulting, just picking up on the fact that you more or less said "why is everyone else so fussy, I'm not"
The reason seems to be Market Forces ie far more women to men.

It's actually the other way around, there are far far more men here than women, so the women can afford to be extremely choosy
I must say that I do not know how to reply to individual posts in forum so have only pm'd a few of them. I wanted to reply to some of them in forum, but could not

To pick out individual replies, click on the "quote" box at the top of that person's post.
Back to the question in hand, I'm fussy, because I have to have some level of attraction to anybody I sleep with. I couldn't just arrange to meet up with someone who was an unknown quantity (ie I hadn't had any kind of interraction with them before hand, be that reading forum posts, chatting by PM or some form of messenger) I need to have an attraction to the personality and/or the physical attractiveness of a person. I know I'm not alone in this.
I'd even go so far as to bet that you have your own limits as to who you would actually sleep with, and therefore you yourself will almost certainly be fussy to a degree.
Quote by Angel Chat
Thanks all,
So much advice,ranging from useful to insulting.

I don't think they were necessarily insulting, just picking up on the fact that you more or less said "why is everyone else so fussy, I'm not"
The reason seems to be Market Forces ie far more women to men.

It's actually the other way around, there are far far more men here than women, so the women can afford to be extremely choosy
I must say that I do not know how to reply to individual posts in forum so have only pm'd a few of them. I wanted to reply to some of them in forum, but could not

To pick out individual replies, click on the "quote" box at the top of that person's post.
Back to the question in hand, I'm fussy, because I have to have some level of attraction to anybody I sleep with. I couldn't just arrange to meet up with someone who was an unknown quantity (ie I hadn't had any kind of interraction with them before hand, be that reading forum posts, chatting by PM or some form of messenger) I need to have an attraction to the personality and/or the physical attractiveness of a person. I know I'm not alone in this.
I'd even go so far as to bet that you have your own limits as to who you would actually sleep with, and therefore you yourself will almost certainly be fussy to a degree.
Sorry for getting the man/woman thewrong way round.
My limits are decided when we discuss our likes/dislikes and perhaps when we meet (not yet happened).
I have both been rejected and have rejected
Quote by bluexxx
Douglas, bit of serious advice for you mate...
Why not tell people what makes you soooooo very special rather than bitching about people being too fussy. Negativity is sooooo not horny. Everyone has preferences.... even you. Think about it. rolleyes :roll: :roll:

Hi Blue
If I told everyone that I was special I would be fibbing.
Are you suggesting I fib a bit like some of the ads on the site?
Quote by douglas
Douglas, bit of serious advice for you mate...
Why not tell people what makes you soooooo very special rather than bitching about people being too fussy. Negativity is sooooo not horny. Everyone has preferences.... even you. Think about it. rolleyes :roll: :roll:

Hi Blue
If I told everyone that I was special I would be fibbing.
Are you suggesting I fib a bit like some of the ads on the site?
No but you could start by telling us some of your good qualities....unless you have none.
And if that is the case how can you blame a girl for being as fussy as she is.....
Quote by douglas
My limits are decided when we discuss our likes/dislikes and perhaps when we meet (not yet happened).
I have both been rejected and have rejected

So if you have rejected, then obviously you yourself could be classed as "fussy"
Could you clarify what you meant exactly with your original question please, because I for one am a little confused.