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Why so many fakes and picture collectors??

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Hi all,
Not really wanting to moan but seems this site is its worst enemy what I mean by that is coz its free seems over 50% of people using it are not not been a member long and yes im a single guy which doesnt really help but I have been very very lucky,I finally got to meet a couple at the weekend after submitting maybe a hundred replys to adds,and getting back about two out of that two one was the couple I the thing is I understand im a single male and I understand im not Brad Pitt but seems the couple I met have been members for a while and also put in over a hundred replys out of that they have over fifty replys out of that there was four that was genuine mine was one of them think im painting a picture here!! It seems a lot of the problems are single males(yes how ironic im one)seems all they want to do is either pretend to be a single female or couple by cutting and pasteing and playing around or they just like the frill of the chase,now I know alot of people in here are genuine and its not you im having a dig at its the hundreds of adds that are not really what they seem!! Anyway got that all of my chest and I feel much better for it,by the way if anyone would like to meet a very genuine straight single male please get in touch and make me believe there are more than just one couple in here that are genuine.
Thanks for reading, Rob
Sex God
Hmmm, yes, it's a problem for everyone. Some guys pretend to be women or couples in hope of getting some "dirty talk" by email, but I think most non genuine people are just sending replies out, as you say, just for the chase, or to see how far they can take it. These guys are so difficult to spot, and it is only when you start speaking to them that you discover them - but I guess by then they have already had their fun... very annoying! As you probably know, single females often get hundreds of replies, but a fair share of these aren't genuine - I've had all sorts of replies in the past, many obviously time wasters from the outset, but some so convincing that I only discovered them once the meet was arranged - and a lot of time wasted on my part! You have my sympathies!!! banghead
Hey Blue,
Well all I can say im very lucky coz ive met a really nice couple and guess I must have done something right coz they wanna see me again lol :lol: the thing is it seems there having the same problem and yes it is damn frustrating especially being a single guy which cant think of a worst thing to be!!! lol
Sex God
It's a shame that all single guys get tarred with the same brush by some people sad . But, yep - you must be doing something very right - keep up the good work :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Thanks Blue,
I will nice pics by the way....
Sex God
Glad you like them...some new ones going on soon!
Warming the Bed
Can't say I've been as lucky as "letflirt69" but I also have noticed some adverts which are not swingers.
It's a shame that some single guys feel that to get their kicks they have to pretend to be a woman.
I've taken the time to set up an advert, reply to both forums and adverts but nothing so far - and I'm still not convinced with adverts which say "send picture immediately" as surely their inbox will be filled in hours?
Phil (advert 17047)
Well guys thanks for all your replys etc, yes ive looked at all your pics in profile and your all very nice now if someone tells me how to delete this i will take it of i feel better now!!! lol
Thanks Mark
I actually love this site just wish there was more people on here like you guys but oh well ive had my say...
Warming the Bed
Okay first post so here goes:
Just joined a few days ago I've been popping in and out having a look around for awhile though and I have to agree its hard to tell who is serious and who is not...... u look into the forum and all u see is the same people posting time and time again. To be honest I think most come here for any pic's they can get hold of and a few smutty e-mails if there lucky.
I agree Mark but yea it is bad coz I wanna meet not look at pics I could just go buy playboy otherwise!! lol
True Mark and dont get me wrong im not really complaining just wish we could have genuine people on here and at least you would know that if they dont like the look of you etc its because they dont whereas at moment dont really know what to think!!
Sex God
If I may be so bold....
My pictures have been up there for free for anyone who wants to view them. Setting aside an incident where someone had the cheek to reproduce them as their own, it's given me a great buzz to know folks are getting pleasure from them.
This site is what you make of it. I've made some good friends here. I've had some great shags too! But I would never begrudge someone their fun if it differed from my idea of fun so long as they aren't being exploitive.
So chaps... Have fun... and let the picture collectors be.
Also... DO have a read of my advice to single guys. I didn't write it for therapy. I was actually trying to help you guys...
Heather no offence here but have seen your pics and yes they are great BUT your not a single guy and im not whinning or anything like that just i have read your advice and let me ask the room this out of all the single guys on here how many have met more than five women/couples and i bet its not many and thats not because we are not genuine just because women/couples get bored of trying to arrange stuff with single guys that are just here for the kick whereas the genuine guys have to compete with them as well!!
Sex God
You are right, Flirt, that the genuine guys have to compete with the non genuine ones for attention. You are also right that some women/couples get bored with the amount of replies from non genuine people. However, the women and couples that are genuinely wanting to meet know the pitfalls, see through the non genuines and get on with what they want - i.e. meeting genuine guys like you! I'm not bullshitting you, I've no need to, I'm just telling it like it is.
Heather has made a good point that on this site there are people on here doing all sorts of things - not all the genuine people are looking to meet, some are just here to chat and make friends, or are wanting info on dogging locations or where the best clubs are. Once you've been on this site a while you will realise that the folks are very diverse - hopefully among those people are the ones who want to meet you (now I sound like some corny advert, don't I! redface )
Mark, Heather is lovely and I have no doubt she has met many (no im a arse man lol) and yes I have had some sucess but ive put in over hundred replys and no im not gods gift or anything like that but ive been swinging for over two yrs in the US and OZ and didnt find it as hard there coz seemed it was more of the buzz of meeting someone over looks thought that was the point of swinging to meet new and different people!!
Sex God
And so the secret is to remain with it, be polite and be patient. Nothing turns me off so quickly as a guy who says 'I can't get any...'
We know it's very frustrating...
Someone, a single guy in fact, put it perfectly to me last night (but we don't talk about it in public wink ) when he said it's a question of remembering the ratios.
Take a look at the Men Seeking Women ads and compare those to the Women Seeking Men. You'll see about two thousand guys to a hundred girls. That's the same as filling the Albert Hall with people and only one row being female. Think about it. It will take time to sift your way to the front.
Best of luck... and enjoy the journey.
Hey guys
I know what your all saying and again im not trying to sound like I should be getting anything more than anyone else but im sure that all of you who are responding are couples or women,I want single guys on here who have been here for a while and tell me how lucky they have been.I relise that not everyone is on here for the same thing but they are making it damn hard for us that are on here for meeting people and yes I know its sour grapes and thats fine coming from a you just hit it on the head there are over 2000 guys looking for women out of that 200 are maybe genuine out of 100 have a pic on here it just gets harder and harder for real genuine guys unless you wanna steal someones pic cut and paste and hell I could probably meet lots more but is that what its about??
Sex God
*has her mouth taped over*
uggh fuggggy yeughhyy
Sex God
Ask Beckers lol (he's a single guy) for some advice - a few weeks ago he sounded a lot like you do now, and he's got the hang of it and is now doing rather well wink . Things do happen - honest! :P
Damn guess it must just be me then (I must smell lol)
Forum Virgin
This is just following on with the thread of the conversation which I hope is not getting to boring.
Sadly I have NOT been lucky enough to meet a couple or a single lady yet but I will keep trying and living in hope. I have created adverts and even put in pictures, but sadly no response of any sort yet. But I digress, the point I want to make is not to give up on ALL single guys, they too have feelings and can offer you all that you desire.
Am I rambling .. I hope not and keep safe out there
Warming the Bed
Hi All,
Looks like this debate has really hotted up since my last post.
It is all a numbers game with lots of guys using swinging as a way to simply have unlimited sex and be very aggressive. I read one posting today where the guy was getting very upset because he hadn't been contact and he wanted a s**g tomorrow night. If he's that desperate, he should look for other options.
And that's one of the problems I expect for couples / single women - replies which are too aggressive and I wonder if you are not one of the first read, whether these replies put off the original advertiser - it would me.
Meanwhile, I'm going to reply to the occasional advert and see what happens - though staying out of the chat room as last time I went in, I found it very clicky.
Also Heather - any chance you can give my profile the once over and see if I'm doing something wrong? Perhaps I should include stuff about my non-sexual likes and dislikes?
Adieu and off to Sheffield..
Well thankyou all for adding and taking part in this,Phil I will say one thing I try not to put adds on here as they just get lost in the already 3000+ thats on here also I think its more important replying to a add as it shows that your willing to make the effort your willing to take the time do women look at the single guys add if as im being told on here have lots of offers why would they need to look for single men???
... I've chatted in the chatroom to some folk who immediately get put off because I say "I'm not looking". What's that all about? surely it's better to be up front and say so than to lead people up the garden path.
So I have an interest in the subject... doesn't mean I have to dip my toe (or other) in, just to be accepted. There's a distinct tendency to think swingers are 'shag mad' and will go with anything and everything... major mistake to make.
Analog kid,
Your very right and this is NOT aimed at you this is aimed at those that put adds on saying they ARE looking but really are not thats who its aimed at sorry if I affened you!!
To Letsflirt69
Having been around the block more times than I can count its obvious that all we single guys have the same problem, too many men, and too few women. I agree there are a lot of time wasters, piccy collectors and mickey takers out there, and in this site. The difficulty is weeding them out. sad
E-mails from single men seldom elicit a reply, even when you get one back the chances of a meeting are slim indeed. After a while you may develope a sixth sense which may help you sort out the 'odd ball's' but until then, you just have to take your chances. :(
Simply replying to adds is not enough and I have found it far more effective to join in the Chatroom. Again instant results cannot be expected but if you go there on a regular basis, you get to know people and they get to know you. Private chat to people within the chatroom (with their permission) can also increase you chances of success. It has certainly worked for me, and I have received invitations to parties where I have met groups of very nice people. Once you are known to them on a personal basis and they get to like you, further invitations are made. biggrin
Unless you live in the NW, the swingers capital, (it must be something in the water) you must be prepared to travel some distance, its seldom you find a single female, couple or a party on your own doorstep. :(
Due to the publicity on the press, radio and tv recently, visits to this site have soared. Many of these visitors may just be nosey, some will be piccy collectors, time wasters etc, but some will be genuine. The chatroom has seen a doubling of visitors, some are good, some bad. The pests, the rude and the crude are swiftly removed by the moderators and after a while they get fed up and go elsewhere, so leaving the genuine people in a majority. Give the room a try, you may well have more success. lol
Having said that, males still outnumber the females and couples by a large margin. Couples seen to have the most success, so it may be advisable to find a like minded female to partner you, I seen others do that and it certainly works for them. The snag is finding one. :shock: Don't give up, polite persistance pays off, eventually. 8)
I've been swinging since before they invented the pendulum. lol
Harry O,
Very wise words,and I must admit I was using the chatroom for a while but even I got bored of the amount of single guys in there(yes I know its still ironic im a single guy) so maybe give it another go where I have my strenght back!!
Sex God
Flirt - maybe you should try bi??? Only kidding, I try it on with everyone wink :wink: :wink:
I'll try anything once!! lol 8)