The Munch is open to all regular members of the forum and the chat room, who joined the forums on or before 1st September 2005. However, should places still be available nearer to the time, I will open this up to others who joined the site after this date so long as another regular on here will be able to vouch for them as being genuine or that they have become regular posters/ chatters in their own right.
We have a DJ sorted out for the night, and as this is only a few weeks before Christmas, we can expect loads of tasteless Christmas songs.

We will not be providing any food this time and but will provide a list of local restaurants nearer to the time should anyone want to eat before they attend. There will not be a door charge to attend the Munch, however, I have had to pay for the room and leave a ‘security deposit’ to cover any damage. We will therefore be sending round a ‘glass’ to cover the cost of the room but no-one is expected to contribute unless they want to. Any money that is remaining will be used to pay for the DJ. (All receipts will be kept for proof of outgoings and will be available to anyone who wishes to inspect them).
A list of local hotels will be available shortly so people can book early and I will include details of local taxi companies. Details of the venue will not be sent out to anyone until a few days before the Munch in order to protect everyone who is attending and to make sure we do not have any uninvited guests.
For anyone who has not attended a munch before, and for some of the ‘regulars’ who may have forgot the definition of a munch, the following link will be of help -
If anyone is nervous about attending a munch, please don’t be, because we will be following the excellent idea that Postie came up with for the Leicester Munch and will be providing a list of ‘regulars’ who will meet people outside the venue, take them to the bar and just ensure they are settled in.
Message from Kazswallows
There are going to be badges........what munch would be a munch without badges :shock:
The badges will be themed, hopefully! :doh:. For any of you that went to the last Doncaster munch, Ice and myself incorporated the SH munch badge and a theme which worked really well judging by the comments and pm's received.
We have most names, from previous badges Ice and myself have done, but if there are any couples with a 'shared' name that haven't had badges before could you please pm me with badge names IE Tim(BoltonSwingers) and Sue(BoltonSwingers) These are purely fictitious names for demonstration purposes.
Kazswallows xxxxx