The Wigan Munch 9 is now booked for Saturday,5th December 2009 and will be in a private venue, within a mile and a half of Wigan Town Centre.
Its the ususal 'gang' organising it, with ourselves doing the online bit, GingerJo and Lee as hosts for the evening and the fabulous PhilStarnchoozy doing the entertainment

The Munch is open to all members of the site who are regulars in either the forums or the chat room. However, should places still be available nearer to the time, I will open this up to others who joined the site after this date so long as they have become regular posters/chatters in their own right.
This will be a Rocky Horror Picture Show Night and we are hoping that you will get into the spirit of things and come along in fancy dress, so if you are after some ideas of costumes, have a look at the 'virgins guide' on here
Please note, fancy dress is NOT mandatory.
There will not be a door chargeto attend the Munch, however, I have had to pay for the room and leave a security deposit to cover any damage. We will therefore be sending round a glass to cover the cost of the room but no-one is expected to contribute unless they want to. Any money that is remaining will be used to pay for the DJ. (All receipts will be kept for proof of outgoings and will be available to anyone who wishes to inspect them).
A list of local hotels is available so people can book early and I will include details of local taxi companies. Details of the venue will not be sent out to anyone until a few days before the Munch in order to protect everyone who is attending and to make sure we do not have any uninvited guests.
For anyone who has not attended a munch before, and for some of the regulars who may have forgot the definition of a munch, the following link will be of help -
If anyone has any questions, or are unsure if they want to go to a Munch, then just drop me a pm and I will try to answer any questions you have.
UPDATE - 23rd August - Reserve List is now open.
UPDATE - 7th October - Please can you now confirm if you are still intending to come along to the munch as soon as possible. Anyone who has not confirmed by Monday, 26th October, will be taken off the main list and your place given to someone on the reserve list.