hey id like to meet you and your misses redhot im 33 and live in southampton lets get together and get it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only twice TJ but will be at front of queue lol
tongue will be hanging out lol
omg voddy countdown time!!
I am still here as per usual
packed sleeping bag
spare boxers
spare socks
heair gell
oh yes and i need to go somewhere near waterloo to pick some other things up.
Anyway i am leaving in a cpl of hours.
I would love to thank everyone who attended and introduced themselves tome.
It was great to see the old faces (not age wise) - you know who you are.
It was also great to meet a load of new people and a massive hugs snogs to all.
I will end up probably pming certain people to express thanks
p.s yes my gameboy was for the train trip. it was to keep me ocupied before i got to the party.
I am now shattered - those bloddy shagging OAPs in the room next to me just kept moaning and groaning all bloddy nite.
Thats another point marcuso I must tahnk Travellodge for putting up with me. Those OAPs were so loud i kept having to bang on the wall.
Voddy you bugger, Mr/Mrs SC, Mr/Mrs Olive, how do you manage to make these events so simple to enjoy, a great bunch of people to have a laught with, great atmosphere and generally a great location with helpful staff ( I wont tell you what it cost somebody to get the takeaway drinks authorised, but the manager had a massive grin once the price was paid )
MikeC I know what you mean about the noises all and we do mean all night, banging and squeaking noises that were only just drowned out by the sounds of people groaning and screaming out
Voddy why was you grinning so large today ??
Thank you, thank you, thankyou, thank you, thank you, yjank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you,
To everyone who made last nite such a good one,
Special thanks to Voddy for taking over the organising for me.......... To Joanne for putting a HUGE grin on Mr Olives face ......... he is still smiling now!!!!! Ali G for making the nite as memorable as ever................ and to all of you for donating to mr olives birthday present...... and of course to somersetcpl for being our partners in crime as usual.
Many thanks to all of you who travelled a distance to come as well we appreciate it.
Heres to the next one
Olive xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ps To all those who mentioned it I will be changing my avatar and the pics on my ad soon
KIsses to everyone who organised last night.
We are so pleased we managed to I (Mrs H) regretting such a late night now Mischeif you look as stunning as ever. Voddy thank you for making us so welcome as usual For someone who oozes confidence I admire you Mike C well what can we say (BB) !!! Ali G What a man!!! Bassman ( Cant think of your nickname just got real one in my head!!!!) it was great to catch up with you and Fabio, what a laugh making us feel so welcome So glad we met some great new faces, especially Glen 27 and SexyJess Hope I didnt wake you lol
Right I have rambled enough and got to get some sleep
How many sleeps till London
Thanx also must go to the band!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, difficult to know what to say here that has not already been said.
Special thanks to Voddy to get this event ticking and another special thanks to Olive for setting it up in the first place.
Personally I had a wonderful time, a great opportunity to put face to name, you guys are absolutely the best. In addition, the venue was great, although I did feel a little overdressed!
Yo marcuso, heart and soul springs to mind - great guy and a wonderful talent, you certainly missed your calling, the stage is calling you.........
I do also have an admission - I must apologise to the stream of cars that was following mine when we left the party. I thought I had all of you in my rear view mirror, but by the time we hit the A34 only one was there and whoever it was shot past me like a bat out of hell.
Would have been good to crack a bottle of wine later, so TJ - I hope you will forgive me. You going north - and me going south! Ummm, any other circumstance – some people might have said heaven.
I hope we get to see some of the pics - at times it felt like a dirty geezer with a mac, all the flashing that was going on.
Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who turned out and made me feel most welcome.
you were you more than welcome to grip them anytime you like hun.
i am teasing you hun, i know u didnt forget about me.