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Xanadu's greedy girl night mon 12th

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hi there
lee is taking me to xanadus on mon for greedy girl night
is any 1 else going ?
if so make sure you come over and say hi smile
cya on mon jo x
Ooooooooooooooohhhh, sounds interesting!
I'm free Monday night, but don't know whether I'll be able to get down there yet.
Could be good though lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hiya bluexxx
its free for cpls to get in to smile
cya soon jo xx
i am free monday blue if you want a lift never been to a club and wouldnt mind my hand being held let me know, i know i live in birmingham but i dont mind a drive and to a greedy girls party bonus yip pee and maybe ginger jo might be able to put a good word in for me on the forum after biggrin
Cheers Dean but it's not a matter of needing a lift its a babysitter issue - now you're more than welcome to come over from Brum and babysit while I go to Xanadu if you want wink .
I'll let you know whether I'll there soon, Jo and Lee lol
i will give the baby sitting a miss thanks rather go dogging lol
Hey our first post woo hoo smile
Anyway quick question, what are greedy girl nights at these clubs, heard about them but never grasped the full concept?????
Call me stoooopid if you wish but i prefer young and naive :)
Thanks kieron
Greedy girl
means i like a few men having sex with me hehehehehe
and im going to b greedy on mon night hope i dont get butterflys lol
cya soon jo xx
Thanks for the pleasent response Jo,
I checked out xanadus website, seems like a cool place to go.
My wife and i are new and young, what sort of age variations are there at the clubs and would you say they are recommened for newbies or are munches better etc?
Kieron xxxx
hi there
for newbies i would recomend a cpls night more relaxed and friendly,
but munch's are a good way to get to know and chat to like minded people smile
good luck jo xx
is there any single guys out there who is going to xans tonight ??
jo x
I was going to, but my shifts at work came thorugh last nite banghead
Now i have a nitght shift to look forward to.
And just when i was hoping to help jo satisfy her appetite wink
Does anyone know when the next night may be? Cos with all those domineering woman, i dont think it'd be safe to go in unacompanied...
hiya wulf angel
ive no idea when the next one is
but click on the www and that takes u to my site and keeps u informed wether playing out or not
cya soon jo xx
hi jo i would love to cum to manchester but would feel a bit more comfy if i knew someone never been to a club before so if theres any single ladies out there let me know i will pick you up and drop you off plus we would get in for free
yeah, I'd like to! any idea how many people will be there tonight?
umm, another question - do I need to bring anything? towel, condoms, etc?
u fetch yourself a few condoms and thats it
no idea how many are going to be there till i get there
make sure u come over and say hi smile
hehe, I certainly will smile will you be wearing a badge? (will you have anywhere to wear it?!?). What's a good time to turn up, too? would I be pottering about on my todd if I was there at 8?
hi there
im most prob going to be there abotu half 8 to 9pm
no i wont be wearign a bagde just click on www its my site with loads of pics on it so u will know who i am
cya tonight jo xxx
hehe, yeah, I've joined your group now. ooooo, you sexay laydee you wink