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Yorkshire de-stress tonight.....or maybe next week!!

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What a week I've had.....the bummer of all bummers at work and at home.
I'm a newly single male after a long relationship and getting used to life that way but not yet used to the absense of sensual and physical contact with women. Right now I could do with a release of a few weeks of abstinence and promise it will be worth it. Would love to hear from anybody who may be interested in doing something as crazy as this tonight, or if not early next may just be a sexy flirt over the information superhighway but who knows...I have a car and no plans tonight. This could be so exciting and fun.
Have photo available but essentially tall (6'), dark (not white and pasty...more olive) and handsome (well you can judge that for yourself). Intelligence, courtesy and the utmost respect are 100% guaranteed, as is a reply-and I do actually mean that not like some frausters on here.
So now its next week and after a fun weekend, I'm a little tired but still ever so horny. I'd love to get in touch with someone and have live a little dangerously.
had any offers yet?
Would you believe I've been swamped with replies from busty beauties all beating a path to my door to rip my clothes of and ravage...........................
Well you've got a good sense of humour ...i give you that!!
I do a nice line in intellectual conversation, cook a decent meal and some fancy tricks with a power tool or 3.........but still my mail box runeth empty.
Am I sounding desperate yet??
It won't happen over night....just be patient......stick around and get to know people first!
Thanks Dave.....having spent a little time browsing round here I'm getting the idea, which is fine.
I have to say though that its brilliant how friendly everybody seems to be and there is a real sense of fun about this place. Thanks for making me feel welcome and hello to everybody else out there.
I'm raising a cup of tea to you as I type.
Are you ever free during the day?
I'm raising a cup of tea to you as I type.[/quote
and i'm raisin one back friend! biggrin
stick with it. and sure u will get there in the end
I am free during the day sometimes and would love to hear from you. If its indeed the done thing then please drop me a private message and we can talk some more.
Thanks to everybody else for messages of support, you make it great to be around here.
I don't know, the things people will say to get laid. rolleyes
Only joking m8. Relax and Enjoy. lol :lol: :lol:
......or not as the case may be!
Nice mouse.