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Yorkshire Meet - 1st April

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Use the main entrance at the front....
Full directions are given if you read this....
Thanks for all your interest and emails so far - Looks like being a good 'un !
If you want to come, just turn up on the night - I'd like if you could also send me a PM or Email - Maybe need more barstaff!
I've just been reminded about mentioning hotels etc - TH Forte & Travelodges abound just a few miles away (less than 4miles to the nearest) on A1 and theres a few of them close-by... I can also name other hotels, taxi services etc if anyone would like to contact me about this? South Elmsall also has a railway station 10 mins walk away. PM or Email me for any info you might need...
From A1 Northbound - Turn off onto A638 towards Wakefield, Follow A638 for 5 miles to a roundabout, turn Left towards Sth Elmsall (dale lane), follow for 400yds to crossroads with traffic lights (pub called Barnsly Oak situated on crossroads), turn Left at crossroads onto Mill Lane - The Park is 400yds on your Left.
From A1 Southbound - Turn off at Barnsdale Bar junction (signposted Sth Elmsall - you'll see the flyover just South of the services), Over the flyover. Left at end of flyover, Immdiate right (to avoid returning onto A1 North) and onto B6474. Follow road for 2 miles to roundabout - Straight across roundabout towards Sth Elmsall, (Dale Lane) for 400yds, Left at crossroads onto Mill Lane - The Park is on your Left after 400yds.
OK, change of plan after talking to the moderators...
Originally we were not going to post details on here - You'd have to email me for them. After speaking to the mods on SH we've decided to name the time & place for this 1st event at the park to genereat interest for future ones.
This won't be your your usual 'munch' night - I'm hoping to make this a fairly regular event but to do that I've got to generate interest in the first place... Then maybe we can start limiting the numbers of single blokes etc who attend in favour of couples - That's what it's all about really.
To anyone not in the know about this, the night will be descibed as a private company's bash - The locals do not know about the event and no-one is being told... The only way to find out about this event will be from SH.
There will be doormen etc, undesirables i.e. young lads etc won't be allowed in.
The room will be shut off from the rest off the venue with no way for people not allowed into the room to see inside.
There will be a disco, there's a dancefloor at the front but it won't be too loud so you'll be able to talk.
Anyone harrassing others or creating a problem will be asked to leave ( or made to ! )
We will be trying to promote a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and want the night to allow genuine newcomers to the scene to feel that way but also for this to be an event of interest to experienced swingers.
Please register your interest with myself, either by PM'ing me or...

Could you also please leave your thoughts on this in a reply to this post..
....interesting choice of date....
Quote by MikeNorth
....interesting choice of date....

Yeah I know it's April Fools day too on 1st April but this is for real Mike!
Calling Kitkat or other mods: Is this gathering really approved by you? We've been warned to be unimpressed by people who join the club one day then in their first post (well, almost) announce a munch. No offence Alphamale, but I'm sure I'm not the only one here who needs more reassurance about this event before I get interested. I know you can't give precise details of location.
All I can say is that Kat has exchanged a few lengthy pm's with alphamale and has decided to allow the post. Approved is probably too strong a word but we're keeping our eyes on it and are making arrangements for someone to independantly check the venue.
I'm sure Kat will expand on that when he sees your query.
Bugger - got about 2 minutes.
If anyone doubts that this is genuine - feel free to contact alphamale, phone, visit the club, whatever you need to re-assure yourselves.
I have chatted with Alpha a great deal - he knows what a munch is, knows that people will be naturally nervous, has assured me that he is quite willing to do whatever it take to make the munch a success!
What else can I say? stuck down here in Oxfordshire I am a bit stuffed to do more. However, recently a NE munch was abandoned because there was no one to organise and sort out a venue - Alpha has offered to do both.
If you want a munch in Yorkshire, and the only thing stopping you is wondering if it is genuine - someone get down the club and find out!
Very stressed and rushed Kat!
Thanks Steve and Kit for replying so promptly. I think the best thing to do is to wait for Alpha to tell us more.
Thanks Mike,
Ask question then, what do people want to know?
What is in it for the club - money over the bar
Security - named access only - you don't have to give your own name, just the one you would use
location - kept secure to prevent unwanted attention - just PM
What is in it for us? How many swingers orientated events are along munch lines? how many posts have there been from new swingers looking for a non-threatening environment?
Alpha has tried to make the event as much along munch lines as possible, the only thing he lacks is credibility on the site.
I do not know him, and cannot vouch for him. This is the only real barrier
My suggestion - if you are interested in a yorkshire munch - PM alpha. you are not commited to anything.
It is an opportunity for a munch in Yorkshire, however, this is a club, they cannot afford to risk having an empty room. If everyone sits around waiting for it to happen - it wont!
still stressed lol :lol: :lol:
Get off your arses and make it happen!
Thanks Kat for that!
OK to all that doubt this is genuine and well organised... What can I do to convince you?
Bit about myself - I've been a pro DJ for 11 years so obvioulsy I'm no young teenage lad trying to get kicks on his doorstep. I'm not doing this to make money - I can do this munch, or get paid a lot more money to work in a different venue on the same night.
In my position I get to know a lot of club / pub managers / bouncers etc as friends and on business terms. I'm also into swinging and dogging. I know the manager of a private club who's also into the scene - and of course he'd like to take more money over the bar of his club too (anything wrong with that?). Chatting to him recently I suggested the idea of a munch night and he thought it'd be a brilliant idea - and not just because he might take a few bob over the bar - he's quite excited and very much up for it! I woudn't ask just any manager of any club about this - I know him personally and I know he's into the scene and the venue he runs is very suitable to this sort of event. The venue he runs has private functions on a regular basis and the room for these functions is off limits to 'joe public' completely during the function. Eg- Recently we had a ladies night with male strippers etc - Nobody but the ladies who had tickets would even get a glimpse inside the room of the function.. Just an example there...
The venue is very nicely decorated and comfortable, not near a town centre, has a car park and there's also safe parking on the road beside it. All preparations to allow only people on the invite list into the room have been made etc as have other arrangements to keep this an exclusive to SH event. I've been talking to the moderators about the arrangements and followed all the safeguards they suggested - I could've just named the venue on here if I'd wanted but I want to make this a good event where genuine people can feel at ease. Someone has said that because I've not been a member on here long, how do they know I'm trustworthy / serious about this / capable of organising such an event...
OK well if anyoine would like to come and check the venue or speak to me about this / meet me - no problem we can arrange that.
All I can say is that I am serious about this and so is the manager of the venue - Again, email me etc, you can have my phone number..
I'm in a much better position to organise such an event because I have the right contacts - and experience in organising similar events.. How many club managers / barstaff / bouncers / dj's do you know personaly? how many into this scene? I do!
Email me, phone me, meet me, see the venue etc... Any checks you'd like to do can be arranged. - If' I'm lying about this you can speak your mind if you see me out dogging around donny / nottingham in my big noisy car with dj cd boxes on the back seat... seen me around already? ;)

Can't believe there's been little response so far- Come on PM or Email me.. That's all you have to do to get the details for the event!
We would travel across that way for a munch, unfortunatly the date you have chosen is one where my partner is working. There isn't enough time for us to organise swops etc. or time to get to know you.
I think its a great idea and I wouldn't give up hope if I was you, but lots of members on this site need time to arrange their free weekends, whether it's work or child care issues.
Normally when a munch is arranged, people have a couple of months to sort everything out.
I think the short time span from your posting to the munch date, and the fact that you are quite new may be off putting to some members. Perhaps a change of date, in order for you to get yourself known might help.
Good luck
As I said in my PM to your PM...
1) You've chosen a week night and most folks have child care/ work commitments.
2) You've not allowed enough time for people to organise themselves - this thread went up less than two weeks before the planned event - no time for folks to book work holiday time.
3) It seems clear to me people don't know you and are therefore apprehensive.
We're definitely coming just a few qestions tho like how do i dress for it and will there be any tuchy feely inside the park or will ppl follow us to a carpark later if we let them? wot goes off at these meetings? weve been dogging a few times and get a rush from it how different will this be? do ppl dance sexily at these does or mainly talk? do u get a lot of ppl talkin to each otha or are ppl shy when they go? we both cant wait anway, c u thursday xxxxx
Linda / Mark
will doormen stop the press from cumming into the munch? is there a rule about no cameras cos dont press use big f---off cameras that wud b easy to stop on door? can we go on somewhere afterwards wiv another cuple or wont anyone want to?
In your opening post you mentioned limiting the number of single guys to couples ratio - why? A Munch is unrestrictive of whether you are a couple of single, that's the whole point. To be able to meet in an unthreatening vanilla environment. What are you hoping to achieve by limiting single guys? There are a hell of a lot more single guys on here than couples and it's never been a problem at any other munches as far as I know, unless someone can tell me different?
I was sceptical about this at first, but I do think your idea of a club venue could work if you'd have chosen a different night. As others have said, it is usual to give people plenty of notice to sort out work and kids, and a dog sitter etc. People from the site live all over the country, most have to stay over and this just doesn't give enough time for everyone to book a hotel, even if they didn't have to get up for work on Fri morning. Next time organise it for a Saturday night, and give us all about two months notice.
Also, Mal is right, a munch is a social gathering, limiting the amount of single guys makes it sound like a sexual thing aimed at couples - that is not what a munch is about, you would be gaining nothing by limiting the amount of guys.
That said, good luck!
Quote by Mark & Linda
We're definitely coming just a few qestions tho like how do i dress for it and will there be any tuchy feely inside the park or will ppl follow us to a carpark later if we let them? wot goes off at these meetings? weve been dogging a few times and get a rush from it how different will this be? do ppl dance sexily at these does or mainly talk? do u get a lot of ppl talkin to each otha or are ppl shy when they go? we both cant wait anway, c u thursday xxxxx
Linda / Mark

Hiya Mark and Linda,
Well you can dress however you like - Whatever arrangements you make with others will be your business while you're there. What goes off is whatever you like really as long as it doesn't turn into a mass orgy etc. Maybe people will dance sexy, I don't know - You can if you want.. I expect some will be quiet / shy and some will be extrovert but we're trying to make newcomers comfortable too
Thanx for the email and pics lol.. Yeah the people you mentioned will be OK to come, need as many couples as poss really
pm sent ill probably be the shy one to start with would love to come meet some couples to chat to i safe enviroment
Quote by mal609
In your opening post you mentioned limiting the number of single guys to couples ratio - why? A Munch is unrestrictive of whether you are a couple of single, that's the whole point. To be able to meet in an unthreatening vanilla environment. What are you hoping to achieve by limiting single guys? There are a hell of a lot more single guys on here than couples and it's never been a problem at any other munches as far as I know, unless someone can tell me different?

Yeah I did Mal - but I said we might have to do that in future, not for this one - Anyone is welcome to the opener of the Yorkshire Munch... If it gets too popular couples will get prefferential treatment on future nights.
So come along no problem mate!
Quote by bluexxx
I was sceptical about this at first, but I do think your idea of a club venue could work if you'd have chosen a different night. As others have said, it is usual to give people plenty of notice to sort out work and kids, and a dog sitter etc. People from the site live all over the country, most have to stay over and this just doesn't give enough time for everyone to book a hotel, even if they didn't have to get up for work on Fri morning. Next time organise it for a Saturday night, and give us all about two months notice.
Also, Mal is right, a munch is a social gathering, limiting the amount of single guys makes it sound like a sexual thing aimed at couples - that is not what a munch is about, you would be gaining nothing by limiting the amount of guys.
That said, good luck!

Thanks Blue for your comments - We've still had a decent response so I can see this happening again. It might not be 2 months to the next one even yet! I originally intended this to happen on a Friday night but this has been arranged at a higher than you might expect level - In future I may be able to offer beer promotions / cheap hotel rooms etc but I won't let that happen if I think any integrity will be lost. You've reminded me now to mention hotels on the post header....
On your other point I just answered Mal about that - We're not limiting single guys at the moment - I did say that if this proves really popular and we have to choose between single guys and couples, couples will be given prefference.
Bloody hell - I wondered at first if it was a good idea arranging this... Looks like it was now! I've had tons of Emails, not gonna be able to keep up if it gets any busier.. I just hope you're all not gonna back out of it after all this lol.... And thanks for bringing your mates Linda and Mark - and yes you can if you dare ;) !
Quote by rockhound266
pm sent ill probably be the shy one to start with would love to come meet some couples to chat to i safe enviroment

Did you get my return email Rockhound?
Here's a copy of a reply I gave to a few couples who're coming on Thursday asking about what it should be like....
Hiya, thanks for your interest....
We've had quite a few couples / people asking the same questions - On these events there's always someone new to or interested in the scene but inexperienced just as you are so you won't be the only newbies threre! You can dress however you like, yes jeans will be fine! Although some people may dress sexily I expect most people will dress casual / smart casual just like you would for a normal night out. There's no special password on the door, justy walk in - but if you're asked just say you've come for the company function / works do. You can talk to other people with the same interest in a relaxed environment, there's no pressure to do anything and you should find people you talk to are friendly. The point of the function is to be like a general meeting of like minded people, discuss things, ask questions, arrange meetings etc if you like but you won't be under pressure to, we DO have a few coming who'll no doubt want to strutt their stuff a bit but unless you give off any come-on signals you should be left alone by them!
Hope this explains things a bit more to you?
Hi Alpha,
You're still avoiding the point made by Mal that the point of a SH munch is that it's open to all, and purely a social gathering. Placing restrictions on who attends is against the spirit of a munch. Even if it doesn't happen the first time, you will eventually have a doorman posted telling single males that it's full up for them, and admitting couples only. Your event really ought to be under the "clubs and parties" section on the site. I think I'll stick to the proper munches. Nevertheless, I wish you good luck in your venture, I hope everyone who turns up has a good time tomorrow night.
Hi, just wondering, would you also be limiting the amounts of single females?
Just seen this, been a little busy to check things recently.
I live reasonably close, As you can see from profile , midlle aged male.
Can you let me have more info.
How more clear can I make it?
We're not restricting anybody for this first one at the Park tomorrow (Thursday 1st) ! Everyone is welcome!
We may have to restrict single males in favour of couples in the future if we get overun - It's a matter of capacity in the venue... We'd rather see a more even balance of males / females in the club - Single females wouldn't be a problem and would still be allowed in even if this happens because we will always get some single males coming anyway and the numbers of single females turning up would - as you would expect - be only a fraction of the number of single males. We wouldn't put a blanket ban on single males coming, it'd be a matter of 1st come 1st served and if we need to do this in future full details would be included on the post about that.
If this is not your idea of a munch as defined by SH then so be it - But can you see the sense in this? I really can't see it coming to this anyway as The Park will accomodate 350 people.
We're not restricting anybody for this first one at the Park tomorrow (Thursday 1st) ! Everyone is welcome!
yes i got your e mail mate hopefully things will go to plan tommorrow and ill make it cant wait would love to join up with a nice couple lol
I really can't believe this...! rolleyes
John, what you've done is blast out all over cyberspace when and where a whole bunch of timid swingers will be - then you've opened up the doors to ANYBODY and you're not even going to check people off an approved list?
I've been supportive of your efforts so far... but now you're just plain asking for trouble.
mad :x :x