dose this meen you will be telling me tomorrow to put my name on the list again ?
please put me on the list too babe
Quote by sercher01
hi hun
dose this meen you will be telling me tomorrow to put my name on the list again ?![]()
please put me on the list too babe
Quote by kazswallows
can you add me and the lapdancer please hunny:lol:
People requesting invites must be active members of the site and be known to myself or can be vouched for.
To be fair to everyone, please can those who have already asked to come along, pm me/email me or post in here if they still want to come.
Quote by Mal
As you have been away for so long you might need to clarify a few points.
You haven’t been an ‘active member’ of this site, as in posting in the forums, since March, other than one post in September and one in October. Why should anyone have to be vouched for to you when they are probably more known to the regular members than you are to them. How can you say they can’t come due to inactivity on their behalf when your ‘activity’ has been so poor?
So does this mean that you are promoting this function with an already fairly full guest list already started elsewhere? So is this Munch for members of this Site or is it more for members of another site who also happen to be members of this site too? A bit unfair on anyone who is only a member of this site who may not decide to apply for this until later (next week?), only to find the list is already full of the people who also haven’t been active here, but active elsewhere? You’ve had 29 requests on this thread since you started this yesterday and the capacity is 125 and you’re already looking for a larger venue?
Not really in keeping with the spirit of Swinging Heaven of looking after their ‘true’ members, is it?
The move and the wording of the munch was approved by admin/mods BEFORE it was posted and the highlighted area at the bottom was put on at their request and I agreed to abide by their decision.
I fully understand that this is an SH munch and as such it is open to ALL SH members which is what I am doing.
As for my 'lack of posting' just because I have only viewed the forums and not posted doesn't make me any less of a member than someone else.
Quote by Darkfire
imo SH needs this Munch (note the capital M and the bold text)
I would hope that along with the Munch comes the activity on SH of the people wanting to attend , and that, imo can only be a good thing
Quote by Mal
Actually it wasn’t Mods plural. This was never discussed and the first I was made aware officially of this was when it was posted. No discussion was ever had between Mods and Admin about this, so wrong of you to assume otherwise.
As for the highlighted bit, does this mean you wiped your list clean to come over with or are you saying that everyone you had on the list from the other site have physically confirmed since you posted last night?
Difficult to prove and difficult to disprove. So if Mr SHmember asked to come and used that excuse, how do you resolve it?
Quote by Mal
why is it suddenly good enough for here?
I am not trying to give one rule for one and one rule for another, for the security of the site and the venue it would be irresponsible of me as I have been away from the site to accept people on the guest list that I do not know or can't be vouched for. As was the case yesterday. The couple concerned were understanding and as soon as they could be 'vouched' for they were put on the list and are more than welcome...
...I have had requests on this thread, by pm and by email. To be fair to ALL those that have asked to come and may ask to come, I am willing to fork out the extra cost if it becomes necessary to extend the venue (not look for a new one) so as NOT to discriminate against anyone.
...I have not come back here or brought my munch here to cause trouble, but to enjoy myself as a member.
The move and the wording of the munch was approved by admin/mods BEFORE it was posted and the highlighted area at the bottom was put on at their request and I agreed to abide by their decision.
I fully understand that this is an SH munch and as such it is open to ALL SH members which is what I am doing.
Quote by willow33
Quote by tricky-dicky
Hey up Kaz you gorgeous lady, I don't get to see enough of you :twisted:
Can I go on your list as confirmed please
Quote by Dlep
I'm coming too if you still want me
It'll be the first year aniversary Munch for me :D
Quote by earthchild
Hi Kaz
Me n Will_32 will still be coming so stick us on the list please
Thanks hun
Earthy xx
Quote by lilnfil
hiya Kaz
could you please add us to the list
lilnfil xx
Quote by Suze43
Hi Kaz,
Can you put me and Bartdutch down as confirmed please hun??
Suze xx
Quote by tina1
hi can we put our name down please
Quote by celestria
I'm pleased one of you recognises my authority :giggle:
I am sure we can persuade the lapdancer it's now his official role Especially if he can choose his own music and practice on me ... I'll do my best seeing how horny I got watching him last time:wink:
Quote by Dee_Vic
hi kaz
bugger the politics.....could you put us two down as possibles...will confirm nearer the time
i know you don't know us but a few on here will vouch for us
Dee & Vic
Quote by fabio grooverider
i need to ask my room buddy first.. but can you put my name down hunny....
be nice to see what dress you wear this time....
sean xxxxxx
Quote by smokerjim
Can you put me and muff down provisionally - I still have to be sure about my employment status at the time.......and will my rampant Southernism survive a trip so deep into bandit country ( Norf o' der M25 )? Well, it did last time :lol: Hope to see you all there!
Quote by Dee_Vic
hi kaz
bugger the politics.....could you put us two down as possibles...will confirm nearer the time
i know you don't know us but a few on here will vouch for us
Dee & Vic
Would it be possible for 1 single guy to get an invite?
Now where can i get some high waste patch pockets trousers and a tank top with a pair a pods shoes ?
but i will try if i get the invite please if there is room!
ty deputy x x x
Quote by Calista
hi kaz
bugger the politics.....could you put us two down as possibles...will confirm nearer the time
i know you don't know us but a few on here will vouch for us
Dee & Vic