As a very regular road user,i can honestly say that i never heard of the course at all.I presume that it to do with speed awareness etc and the consequences of you speeding etc.
Sorry (no i m not actually) ive never had to do the course. In my opinion its just a way for the police to claim that they dont just have speed cameras to raise revenue. for the amount your saving and the disruption its going to cause you, wouldnt you be better asking for the point
Lancashire is a teribble place to drive around nowadays
The most repugnant idea of all is that we now have "civilian patrols" operating mobile speed cameras!! You cant go anywhere but they are watching you.
If they seriously want to stop us speeding why not increase the rail service, mind you that now goes slower than it did in the 70's and much slower than our continental "brothers"
Sorry Corrie I have never heard of it either but going by what normally happens no doubt its some sort of trial which will be rolled out with a fee for the course and it will be just another form of indirect taxation on the poor motorist
hi corrie thiank i might have the information you are after, this course was in protertype about 3 years ago. as far as i am aware the course is called THINK FIRST. there is no fee for it as the fee is covered by the £85.
what i know of it it,s the same sort of course if you are bannned from driving you can take 8 months of your ban by taking it. all it is is an old man teaching you how to drive and the does and dont,s of driving, if you are a repeat offender the DVLA will take you onto a driving course. and yes you are right it,s just anouther way for the goverment to tax you. i have also known people to be taken for a medical if you dont learn your lesson, i hope all this information is usefull to you let me know.