I can tell you with authority that the leaflet is total bullshit by the government, they haven't got a clue what to do in a total mass terrorist attack. It is all down to money or lack of it given to emergency services who will no doubt be in the front line like they were on 9/11 while the politicians will be hidden away somewhere passing the buck and blaming somebody else. Tony Blair and his government are total WANKERS and should be found out by the public for what they really are.
Does it advise us to build Andersons?
Now we know where our Tax money goes!!
What a load of Bollocks!!
This Gov are total :wanker:
At least my document came in useful - I tore it up and put the shreds in my Worm Compost bin to feed the little darlings. They love Bullshit!!
No my advice would be if you hear of a terrorist attack in your area put your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye.
Not the official site, but a very good parody. :mrgreen:
There's a nuclear bunker for sale not so far from us, perhaps we should invest.
We could club together as a site - at least we know we'd have no problem re populating the country!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx
No it could be somebody else's legs if that is what you want as long as you are kissing somebody's arse goodbye. You wont be able to kiss T Blair's arse because he will be in America kissing Bush's arse--------nothing new there then.