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Sex God
can i be the first person to say that it is nice to have you back... even if it is only a flying visit....... smile :) :) :) :)
come back more often.....
right... back to subject.... you are right, even though i voted for kerry.. he wasn't really even going to be much competition.... the only person who was ever going to be competition would have been hilary clinton... and she was never going to run till the next one.... sad
well when you do put on an ad... i will be the first one to reply....
:) :) :)
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I dont fecking believe it.......... my life is ruined. how can they vote that idiot back in???
Quote by dazandlou
I dont fecking believe it.......... my life is ruined. how can they vote that idiot back in???

well they say it takes idiots to vote for idiots... and lets just say most americans are not known for there brightness!!!
Sex God
Hardly a surprise result, sadly.
Certainly makes me fear for the safety of the planet for the next few years.
Mind you, I'll bet that barmy blair gets another term, too.
Surely the world will end.
if its true that hilary clinton is running in the next election she will landslide it biggrin
Quote by wewantu2
if its true that hilary clinton is running in the next election she will landslide it biggrin

The "next" election, you think Bush will let there be a next election??
Today is a very sad day, not for America they are going to get what they deserve, but for the reswt of the world
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Quote by foxylady 123
if its true that hilary clinton is running in the next election she will landslide it biggrin

The "next" election, you think Bush will let there be a next election??
Today is a very sad day, not for America they are going to get what they deserve, but for the reswt of the world
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
lets just hope blair dont get in, and we get someone who'll distance our self away from America..... i know its a wild thought
Not really bothered. I dont think they were diametrically opposed on any major issues (broadly I think Kerry voted for military action )
2 candidates to vote for every few years....yep thats democracy and`ll keep em quiet.
Quote by JGL
if its true that hilary clinton is running in the next election she will landslide it biggrin

The "next" election, you think Bush will let there be a next election??
Today is a very sad day, not for America they are going to get what they deserve, but for the reswt of the world
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
lets just hope blair dont get in, and we get someone who'll distance our self away from America..... i know its a wild thought
Are you determined to get this smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: tonight?
Wew need to get away from the US , whilst we still can!!!
lets just hope blair dont get in, and we get someone who'll distance our self away from America..... i know its a wild thought

i thought thats what i said.... i'd lvoe for us to get away from the americans
ppl say where the 51st state, but it shouldn't be
Warming the Bed
US democracy is a sham - no debate about health care or
the economy, just a non-stop slanging match about how
the other guy makes America less safe.
I wonder which is the next country after Iraq to feel the brunt of
American imperialism (sorry, 'progressive democracy') ??!
probably france ash :cry: as they seem to be the only people to actually wind the bush camp up biggrin
Quote by JGL
lets just hope blair dont get in, and we get someone who'll distance our self away from America..... i know its a wild thought

i thought thats what i said.... i'd lvoe for us to get away from the americans
ppl say where the 51st state, but it shouldn't be
Appologies, i missread you, its the dyslexia!!
Quote by foxylady 123
lets just hope blair dont get in, and we get someone who'll distance our self away from America..... i know its a wild thought

i thought thats what i said.... i'd lvoe for us to get away from the americans
ppl say where the 51st state, but it shouldn't be
Appologies, i missread you, its the dyslexia!!
i think that makes us even
but i'll swap ya a spanking for a kiss though!!!!
Sex God
Quote by ashxx
US democracy is a sham - no debate about health care or
the economy, just a non-stop slanging match about how
the other guy makes America less safe.
I wonder which is the next country after Iraq to feel the brunt of
American imperialism (sorry, 'progressive democracy') ??!

the ironic thing was that kerry was winning on the health care, economy and foreign policy and it looked like something was going to happen...
that was until a certain mr bin laden spoke on friday..... war on terror front page set match bush!!!!! sad :( :(
as for which country will get it next.... it won't be north korea... syria and iran would be too risky..... my guess would be cuba.....
sean xxxxxxxxxxx (not a very happy american today)
Sex God
Quote by JGL
I dont fecking believe it.......... my life is ruined. how can they vote that idiot back in???

well they say it takes idiots to vote for idiots... and lets just say most americans are not known for there brightness!!!
I certainly don't disagree with you there ... but before we start feeling superior here ... in about 6 months time, I reckon the UK equivalent voters will vote Blair back in too !!! Somehow I don't think the fact that pensions have been decimated such that we'll all be forced to work till we drop dead, that the NHS is no better run/funded than 10 years ago, that petrol tax has gone up and up, that we now live in far more dangerous times than we did a few years back has got through to some people yet!
Very depressing times ahead ... :-(
I'm no lover of Bush, Blair or any other politician but I don't thinks its nearly as simple as which person gets voted in.
Most politicians on a personal level are reasonable individuals (of the ones I've had dealings with).
Politics is more about how things look than how things are so all parties have become more concerned with image than substance.
Then there's the fact that politics attracts a certain sort of person - so we, the voting public, vote for or against individuals and parties.
To my mind the whole weakness in the system both sides of the pond have is that there is no way of voting for no-one and making that vote count, if you see what I mean.
How can we register our displeasure with those on offer? To not vote doesn't work, so the only options left are to vote for the lesser evil or spoil your paper, and neither of those get the message across.
My own view is that we need an official abstention, and the bigger the vote for no-one becomes the more likely that someone will notice that the current state of politics is not sustainable and hopefully change will happen.
But while we continue to vote in smaller and smaller numbers and return unrepresentative governments whose main objective is the gaining and retention of power and not the effective government of the state for the benefit of its people, nothing will change.
Sorry to be pessimistic - but it really is in our hands ultimately.
Quote by J3diMast3r
[I certainly don't disagree with you there ... but before we start feeling superior here ... in about 6 months time, I reckon the UK equivalent voters will vote Blair back in too !!! Somehow I don't think the fact that pensions have been decimated such that we'll all be forced to work till we drop dead, that the NHS is no better run/funded than 10 years ago, that petrol tax has gone up and up, that we now live in far more dangerous times than we did a few years back has got through to some people yet!
Very depressing times ahead ... :-(

Jedi, do you really see any clear blue water? One plundered pensions, the other escalated fuel tax. dunno
One suggested war, the other advocated :dunno:
Thatcher v Foot
Thatcher v Kinnock etc :twisted:
Politics is so boring now.
Personally, I agree with you. Until I can walk through town after 6 without fear I will not vote.
Now that Bush has got back in we might as well just hand the next election to Blair and save the country the money. The only hope to get rid of Blair was if the American people voted in Kerry - I think that might have changed the "Special relationship" somewhat and I think he would have been in trouble from his own party as much as from the Tories.
All that will happen now is that Bush will consider he has a mandate to continue going to war and we will get dragged alongside. sad
Definately a sad day for world freedom!
Warming the Bed
Aw. I think you are all being so unfair to Bush and Blair. Just think of the fun the world is going to have for the next few years. Some of the stuff Bush comes away with is hysterical. You couldn't pay to watch a better stand up. And Blair is like that lil snivelling gremlin creature out of Lord of The Rings when he's in the company of bush.
The jokes will be endless. Here's one I just made up.
Q. Why are the Americans looking so happy
A. Cause they just planted that Dope Bush :smoke: in the white hoouse for another four years
I watched some late night TV last night including a straw poll taken in a bowling alley when the tv reporter asked several americans who they were voting for and why, Most stated Bush and cited various reasons from religious to better the devil you know to just not trusting Kerry,, some said they weren't going to vote and one said he would vote for Kerry because he thought it was time for a change but didnt really know why ...not one single one of them mentioned the invasion of strange I it me confused :? :?
Now GWB's back in all we can do is watch this space
.......unfortunately sad
rotflmao at scotscpl.

Try these two out for size as american 'jokes'.
Quote by foxy30s_cpl
Until I can walk through town after 6 without fear I will not vote.

Perhaps self-defence training ? One of the odder arguments I've heard for disenfranchising yourself confused
Quote by JonJon
Until I can walk through town after 6 without fear I will not vote.

Perhaps self-defence training ? One of the odder arguments I've heard for disenfranchising yourself confused
JonJon , the point is that Blair (labour really) stole the middle ground in the mid 90s. So we now have 2 candidates to chose from every few agree on mixed model economics. There is nothing to seperate them really on health, education, euro policy etc etc.
Both parties will "argue" these points out within confines but to me I believe for 99.9% of the people law and order and the way its going is a HUGE concern and the party who PROPERLY addresses this point will get my vote. I dont give a flying one about my bank account if I or any of my family can not live life without fear. For the record ALL of my immediate family is mum and grandmother aren`t though.
Warming the Bed
The Americans I've spoken to about Bush seem to think he just has a problem with the English language but behind all that he is not an idiot. Would they have us believe that he has lots of profound, philosophical or political thoughts, but is just unable to verbalise them!? I don't believe it for a second. From being fired from a company board for "not contributing anything at boardmeetings" to president of the USA using the Harvard Business School student method of analysis. Really, the Americans have a dumbass for president (again).
And what is a STORK day for the Americans anyway?????
Unless maybe he meant historic? confused
I am glad to read most people are dismayed by Bushs re-election. I still can't belive people still voted for him after the last 4 years. I was hopefull that he would be defeated by a large turn out but unfourtunatly it was cancelled out by the evangellcall christian vote, now they really piss me off. The are generally homophobic, flag-waving, god-fearing, gun-toting, uneducated, isolationist, ethnocentric REDNECKS. They complain about Muslims what a joke % of Muslims are decent people with good values. Sorry Just had to get that off my chest.
And to top it all i heard an american on Today on radio 4 this morning claiming Global warming was something made up by Europe to somehow damage american business!!!! confused no whats that all about.
Feel better now
Bush is an easy target – his persona isnt particularly appealing and he doesn’t come across as the brightest.
However, compared to Ronald Reagan he comes across as academic with profound philisophical points. Remember what everybody thought of Reagan, how he was lambasted, how he was treat over here in programs like spitting image? Remember how Thatcher was his poodle?
You may also rmember that the world is now a far safer place because of Reagan. It is now a widely held view that he won the cold war, not by fighting but by standing up to the Soviets and making them realise they couldn’t keep up in the cold war and win. He also turned round the US economy.
Its easy to say that most Americans are not known for their intelligence – if that’s the case why is it that the US is the richest most powerful country in the world? If it wasn’t for the US this would be a country subservient to either Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.
Sneering at Bush in the UK is often led by snobbery by people who look down on his folksy simplistic manner – and yes it can be irritating. I bet most people would jump at the chance to move to the States and wouldn’t give a stuff whether Bush, Kerry or Arnie were in charge.
Quote by Happy Cats
I bet most people would jump at the chance to move to the States and wouldn’t give a stuff whether Bush, Kerry or Arnie were in charge.

I can't speak for most people, but I really, really, really, really, really don't want to move to the States. sad
The problem with the Americans, I think, is that they speak the same language as us. We can accept the French, the Spanish, and so forth, having their own culture because the language difference immediately marks them out as "different". But the Americans speak (a dialect of) English, so we expect them to be similar to us, and so we're more shocked when it turns out that they're not. IMHO, anyway.
That said, the American TV they choose to export over here doesn't exactly do Americans any favours. :(