Thumbing through the pages, eyes glazed over, I saw a paddling pool and my brain suddenly started working overtime... :idea:
I thought, wouldn't it be great to fill the bugger full of jelly and get a few people round for some fun in it :twisted:
I imagined the scene,
Has anyone else ever tried something like that, or have I got a problem? :P
I was wondering what options you would choose for such a project i.e .....
1 Size of pool - keep it cosy or Olympic dimensions
2 Jelly - flavour preference
3 Consistancy - make it a bouncy castle or nice n sloppy
4 Recipe - keep it simple or make a trifle ...... where would you put the cherries???
5 Alcohol - Wack in a few gallons of voddie for an extra kick.
........Oh dear, I think I'm losing the plot