Ooooh no; that's going to be difficult for you, with all those sexy nurses around... :twisted:
In seriousness, hope it all goes smoothly and you're back to full swinging power ASAP. In the meantime, the rest of us will diligently take up the slack... :shock:
All the best John and I hope your recovery is swift. I'm sure you'll look divine in a hospital gown.
Sappho xxx
JQL hi!
the very very best of luck, hope all goes smoothly, and my very very best wishes. trust you're back amongst us all very very soon. in the meantime you will be missed! and thought of no doubt by many!
see ya soon
neil x x x x
FFS John!! Who's going to answer all those technical questions while you are away????
I hope everything goes well and I will be thinking of you (when someone asks a silly technical question!!). Fingers crossed
I would consider weighing myself before and after the operations....
If you have...
A) Got heavier .........they left something inside you.
B)Got lighter ............they took the wrong parts away.
C) stayed the same ..... they operated on the wrong person(but only after shaving you in the most embarrassing places).
I guess, like Blue, I am not helping either.
Seriously the very best of luck . I hope all goes well.
Get well soon! :inlove: