You have just picked up a hitchhiker. You have ten seconds by words or actions or whatever to scare the crap out of them. What do you do?
Tweeky says "Hi, I like hitchhikers. The last girl was lovely, but shes dead now"
what's your name mate?
I can't remember the name of the last one they found.
let's play a game!
Bleeding or suffocation?
do you like Barry manilow?
I'm his number one fan!!!
sorry if the seat is still stickie, I haven't had a chance to clean up since the last one
I am on my way to the Xfactor audition, wanna hear my song?
therrrrre werrrrrre........
eigth thousand three hundred and seventy six green bottlllllles, hanging on the wall...
sing along!
Ive just got off the plane from my latest field expedition working in villages studying the effect of the Ebola virus.
dont use the ashtray.....thats where i keep mother
You ain't making it home alive c***!
My mother used to say "Life is like a box of chocolates".
What blood group are you?
I'll need to get out and do some shopping at the next petrol station - could you pass me my white stick?
You drive! I need to reload the gun. :twisted:
dont worry about the smell i'll stop at the next bridge and throw the body out
oh the ice yes i need that to help preserve the bodies
Dont jiggle about too much, the mechanism on that ejector seat has a hair trigger.
ohhh i`ve been looking for one just like you
They leave me. They always leave. You won't ever leave me will you?
does anyone know where you are????
OOoooOoo OoooOooo oooOoooO I now a really good website its got huge cliques evil mods and ITS ALL ABOUT SEX!!!!!!!!
Hi, Im Dr Lechter...and you are??............lunch!
Im on my way to the Jeremy Kyle show....Im a special guest! :twisted:
Are you sat on my handcuffs?
This reminds me of a story one of my friends used to tell.....
He was hitchhiking to somewhere or another (he was a regular thumber of lifts)and picked up in the middle of nowhere by a man on his own,so Simon gets in and makes the usual polite noises and the man seems perfectly friendly..after ten minutes or so the driver pulls up outside a chip shop and gets out saying he'll only be a assumes he's going for some chips,but the man goes round and gets something out of the boot,Simon thinks nothing of it and sits minding his own business.....suddenly there's an almighty crash and on looking round there's the driver wielding a full size firemans axe and smashing everything he can reach in the 's frozen doesn't know what to do, get out and run? stay where he is? before he gets a chance to make up his mind the driver's back in the car and they're off,naturally Simon is somewhat reluctant to make conversation so they drive in silence for a minute or so,suddenly the driver says "he'll not be fucking my mrs again" and on they drove.
I wonder if this is one of the Toyotas that they were supposed to recall...........