However much we may try to resist it many of us have been conditioned to think a certain way of doing things is 'right', the idea of sex only being a thing that happens only between two people being one such notion that many of us have been taught as the 'only' way to do it.
Do you feel you yourself have shed that type of conditioning or does it come creeping back on you at times?
In the midst of doing something 'swingy' do you get the feeling of OMG what am I doing???, What am I doing HERE with THESE people???Do you get a feeling of wanting to stop or want to take flight even.
I'll admit I have, especially when things didn't quite feel 100% right for me, in fact how can you be 100% sure it will be 100% right for one's self until it's actually happening?
I can think of once where I went ahead and afterwards thought I shouldn't have done that, I should have stopped and said this really isn't for I didn't want to let the other people involved down and I did want to give them something good in return for what they were giving me and I also hoped to find a way to get myself into it and feel good about it after all, but I didn't.I felt pretty bad about it after.
But maybe I just think too much!
As the old saying goes, don't think just dance lol!