well thats it, this forum can be monitored 24/7 it is of no concern to me
So let me get this straight and I want to stress that this is not a dig at anyone.
What many of you are saying is that you are not prepared to supervise your children whilst they are doing something potentially very dangerous? Yet you are prepared to delegate that responsibility to someone who doesn't have an emotional attachment to your children (i.e. it just a job to them), therefore may possibly miss warning signs that you, their parent, would pick up?
If that is the case then I think we in the UK have come to rely too much on the State and not enough upon ourselves.
An analogy
Would you allow your children to roam the streets of Soho late in the evening? The Police patrol Soho, there are CCTV cameras everywhere, but would you allow them to go by themselves?
OK you may say its not the same thing and I would agree with you. The Internet is very much more dangerous than Soho. How do I know, I have to go and sort out the mess adults, not children, adults get themselves into when they go "exploring" on the Internet. One computer last week had 916 viruses and trojans on it. My fee made his eyes water but the bill from BT (hidden premium rate dialer loaded) put pay the the family's holiday this year and probably next as well.
What I'm saying is surely its the parents' responsibility to look after their children not the State's. Surely the State should only take over that responsibility when the parents are no longer capable?
Please note that these are just comments and thoughts to get people thinking about the subject and to provoke debate, they are not a dig at anyone.
I am always loathed to post on these issues, because they are very emotive for people, myself included....
The internet is no more and no less dangerous than the off line world (a wonderfull new buzz phrase I heard reciently, lol)
What is needed is not 24/7 survelence by parents or the authorities, but parents explaining to children the potential dangers in the same way my parents told me not to talk to strangers.
True, on the on line world there is a problem... everyone is a stranger (bar contacts already known to you/your children) but the inherent danger is probably less than the kindly old person who sits in the park with his dog and bag of sweets... a well educated child will not arrainge a meet, the children most at risk in the on line world tend to be those children who's parents are detatched from them, children living in a household with parents that always argue, children whos parents are always out, whos parents are to pushy of thier children, or to lax in their care.... Bar the pushy parent types, these are also the kind of parents whos children roam the streets late at night, or whos children are always in trouble due to living in an abusive environment household, which includes overly pushy or dominering parents.
The way of a parent is not an easy one, its all by trial and error and by the lessons we learned through our own upbringing... although sometimes we try not to be our parents, or want better for our children than we felt we had, or want them to attain a higher status than we ourselves reached, but I digress.
All things being equal, a child is reasonably safe given the information and advise they need to protect themselves. The state watching isnt going to protect anyone, it never has and never will.
One problem is the more the state nannys, the more people decide to advocate their responsibility... "oh well the state will look over them" or "we cant even tell our kids off any more, so why should we bother to control them... the state said they would do it for us."
We have a government that is very quickly moving towards totaly removing a parents right to physically chastise (note I dont use the emotive words, smack or hit) our children. But I know from bitter personal experience, the repercussions of which are still affecting my son, that mentaly abusive chastisement can be far more damaging to a child... it is not usually the fact that a child is hit that causes the damage but the words that accompany the physical punishment... its not *SMACK, you nearly got killed running into the road" but *Screaming into a childs face* "you stupid little kid, what the hell did you do that for you idiot...." So where has the nannying got us in this case... no where...
The state wants the power and control, so we give it to them, then stand back and wonder why its all going wrong because the state isnt there as much as we are, because we dont warn our children because we expect the state to have done it, we dont teach our children to read from the point of birth by reading to them, because the state will do it when they get to school, we dont even give our children warnings about chat rooms, because the state has told us they will monitor them.
The if it saves one argument just doesnt hold water (sorry this is not a personal reference, but I've heard it used so many times) at what cost that one life... do we ban tampons due to the one life that may be saved by the banning of them, do we ban the contraceptive pill because of the one life... Do we ban driving because of the one life. We have already pulled down the kids play areas, the climbing frames to protect the children whos parents dont watch them and warn them that perhaps they are not big enough to climb to the top, we expect the state to make everything so safe that when a child is hurt on a kids play area we sue the state... we stop our kids going out to play because we see the world full of pedophiles, we sue Mc-donalds for over feeding our kids and making them fat, yet dont allow our kids to play out and dont tell our kids they cant have every day... because the state should do that for us, there should be warnings on the food saying that eating to many of these will make you fat. Coffee cups that have warnings saying "contence may be hot" Poisons saying "do no eat" Heating tongs saying "warning hot surface, also do not place in water due to risk of electric shock" Cookers with warnings on the door saying "hot" at what point to we take responsibility, if I trip up in the street on a loose paving slab, do I sue or curse myself for not looking where I was going; do we just decide "the state will take care of everything"
To be honest, I quite believe that the people that post on a regular basis to these forums are more likely to be the type of people that are inteligent enough not to fall in the above category, we are able to converse ideas even if we dont agree with each other, we know the risks we may take with swinging, but are able to weigh them up and take an educated risk.
No one can really take care of us, or our children, even we cannot take care of our children 24/7 all we can do is hope we give them the information they need to protect themselves, and hope to god they dont have to many hurts in their lifes and out live us in the long run.
Its all very well infering that we should all loose some privacy because some parents (my inferance) cant be bothered to keep tracks on what their kids are doing, but this is the start of what could be a very steep downward slope for what remains of democracy in our country.
I am sure that once mointoring of chatrooms is established it wont be long before the thought police are tapping into all pm's and messenger they will be calling round each day to see that little Johnny has eaten his five portions of fruit and veg!!
I see no one has answered my original pointr, would you rather our limited number of police officers were monitoring chat rooms and catching maybe a handful of peadophiles per year or would you rathjer have them out on the streets catching the guy who was about to break inot your car or house?
Recently, a Somerset musician had a Special Branch officer turn up to interview him at his place of work, after he accidently texted the lyrics of the Clash song Tommy Gun to a wrong number. (the text read "How about this for Tommy Gun? OK - SO LET'S AGREE ABOUT THE PRICE AND MAKE IT ONE JET AIRLINER FOR TEN PRISONERS").
If the police (a Special Branch officer no less, a pretty expensive and you would hope highly trained resource) can show such a lack of judgement - a simple Google search would have answered his question - shouldn't you be a little concerned about them having access to a wealth of collated, indexed and cross-referenced information about your sexual proclivities?
Add to this the current government's love of information sharing "for your convenience" (cf. current government proposals to make your medical records automatically available to social services without you asking for it, which the GMC are quite rightly fighting tooth and claw against), which means that more likely than not, a handy summary of your month's activities will pop up on the desktop of your local social worker in the not too distant future...
Given our current goverments reluctance to be unpopular and increase taxes then yes I do think we have a simple choice as to how our resouces are spent