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20th B'Day requires that special touch

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Well, never been tob an actualy GB but have been to a few parties where at times it may as well have been. Very enjoyable. As for me personally I feel I could not deny T trhe present she so richly deserves and would be pleased to help out if possible. HeHe.
Trev A.K.A. Glosguy
Hi im interested to know what a gb is?
Nice idea.
Is 10 not a bit ambitious for a first time? Might she get a bit daunted?
It might be a good idea to really discuss this as if 10 horny dudes appear, one day, and she's not prepared, she might feel 'obliged' and there's nowt worse than that.
Do I detect that T may need convincing about this? If that's the case it sounds as though you ought to hold it on your birthday not hers (after you've convinced her).
Maybe I've got it wrong confused .
A gang bang :shock:
I would never do such a thing :angel:
Have to admit tho i do think 10 guys for her first go may be a little much for her and i would suggest you 'police' it rather than join in as some guys can get a bit excited and you can get pushed and pulled about a bit, so being there just for her may help her relax more and joining in wth the playing may distract you from whats going on smile
Went to a birthday party / gang bang earlier in the year
The lady wa aware of 8 guys turning up and did her best to accomodate us all but im sure she was put off by so many at once.
It was very much all in and do what you want to her, I could not see how she enjoying it.
since I have seen her with only 3 other guys and it was much more fun for all of us.
Just something to think about, smaller is better some times
Quote by Robert1961
Went to a birthday party / gang bang earlier in the year
The lady wa aware of 8 guys turning up and did her best to accomodate us all but im sure she was put off by so many at once.
It was very much all in and do what you want to her, I could not see how she enjoying it.
since I have seen her with only 3 other guys and it was much more fun for all of us.
Just something to think about, smaller is better some times

With less guys the guys deffo seem to get more attention but some women like big groups and the free for all of having lots of men doing what they like to them wink
Quote by t-and-k
Hi All,
As I've mentioned to a few people in the chat room its T's 20th next year and I'm going to organise a special gift for her, It'll be a 10 man gb probably held in Manchester. I just wanted to hear from those who've experienced such an event both F and M points of view and also any interested parties could always post so I can keep an eye out for them in both the chatroom and forums as it will be by invite only.

First of all give T a huge snog from me!!!! smile :) :) :)
I think most of the points have been covered, so to speak.... I would make sure that she is 110% sure that she wants to do this, I know someone in the forum a while back was looking at doing something like this and I offered to play bouncer.... nice guy that i am....
10 is a little ambitious... but i suppose you all aim high, I would just get 10 people you really really trust, and probably 10 people that you both know really well, hopefully that should make her feel at ease
last of all you should all enjoy it, and at anypoint in time,if she or you feel uncomfotable say stop!!!! no one will think worse of either of you.....
p.s......... give T another snog from me.... lol :lol: :lol:
just an idea...if your going for such a high number its obvious that your not going to know all of them....maybe a few guys you know that maybe dont take part but just incase.....
not sure if this is a real idea lol but nice to have friends about smile
Looks like you are putting some thought into this rather than just diving straight in so to speak, however if you need any help in the build up to the event let me know ;)
I'm well overdue for a trip to Blackpool lol
Hope it all works out for you both