Well, never been tob an actualy GB but have been to a few parties where at times it may as well have been. Very enjoyable. As for me personally I feel I could not deny T trhe present she so richly deserves and would be pleased to help out if possible. HeHe.
Trev A.K.A. Glosguy
Hi im interested to know what a gb is?
Nice idea.
Is 10 not a bit ambitious for a first time? Might she get a bit daunted?
It might be a good idea to really discuss this as if 10 horny dudes appear, one day, and she's not prepared, she might feel 'obliged' and there's nowt worse than that.
Went to a birthday party / gang bang earlier in the year
The lady wa aware of 8 guys turning up and did her best to accomodate us all but im sure she was put off by so many at once.
It was very much all in and do what you want to her, I could not see how she enjoying it.
since I have seen her with only 3 other guys and it was much more fun for all of us.
Just something to think about, smaller is better some times
Looks like you are putting some thought into this rather than just diving straight in so to speak, however if you need any help in the build up to the event let me know ;)
I'm well overdue for a trip to Blackpool lol
Hope it all works out for you both