Speaking as someone who lives on the flightpath for Heathrow I am totally gutted about the news of the 3rd runway today. I was hoping, naively, that the Govt would do the decent thing instead of kowtowing to the money men once again. Our lives are pretty miserable as it is with planes starting at am and going on until well after midnight some nights. With this new runway we might as well forget about sleep especially in the summer when no amount of soundproofing or loft insulation does any good because we need to have the windows open. According to the Govt we need this 3rd runway because it will bring in more money. Oh great when am I going to get my share? Nope all we will get is a property that is completely unsaleable with losses of thousands of £'s.
I know we will get all the people who say well you knew the airport was there when you bought the place. True, but the airport was a totally different place when we bought nearly 30 years ago with no night flights and only 3 terminals etc. Now all we get is pollution and noise which will get worse as the 3rd runway comes to fruition. Think I will go top myself now :cry:
I think it is the right decision. The travel and aviation busnesses are worth a huge amount to our economy, and to our growth.
For me, it's not so much the news about the new runway at Heathrow, but the admission that was let slip with it (aka burying bad news) by Harriet Harman that the Freedom of Information Act will be amended so that MP's excessive spending while everyone else struggles to pay the bills will be "protected" from the public's prying eyes!
And the volume between 0600-2300?
They could put the new terminal and runway in the Southwest couldn't they? I mean no one uses the southwest from September until May anyway and then only to eat pie n chips on a pier somewhere. Not in Weston now though Oh no
Speaking as someone with a reasonable interest in aviation it is a bit of a paradox:
1) London needs the extra capacity and of course our principal airport is Heathrow.
2) Heathrow is probably in the worst possible place for an expanding International Hub. Many years ago a decision should have been made to reclaim land in the Thames estuary and build a brand new 4 runway airport in a place where expansion would be possible.
I am in no way agreeing with the environmental gobbleydegook and Green Nazi propoganda - I am only talking about basic practicalities. Technology exists to reclaim land from the sea and an estaury is as good a place as any to do it. The only issue then would be dealing with the bird strike potential (as demonstrated last night in New York) because estauries are the natural habitat of many large bird species - but technology does exist to combat this risk.
Govt are a bunch of hippocrites, they introduce a green tax on flights (in theory to reduce the damage), yet introduce more and more flights and runways.
Anyone who does not understand that it's only ever about the govt and their rich business mates making (more) money is totally blinkered.
As a local to Heathrows surrounding area I am not happy with the news about the 3rd runway.
We have just had to put up with a 5th terminal destroying a large amount of area... and now a third runway! It's not just the noise of the planes that annoys me but the increase in congestion, pollution and the errosion into the countryside and villages.
I understand that a lot of new jobs will be generated but as this area has one of the lowest levels of unemployment in the country this is not something to get overexcited by!!
I will be letting the council/goverment/anyone who cares to listen, my anger at this new runway....... they wont like me when i'm mad :twisted: