It depends on wether (sp?) I am in a rush or not tbh. If I am I will say "Keep the change" . More often than not I will want the receipt though so will hang around for the 1p change.
Minx x x
I empty my purse and pockets of all those annoying little coins ie anything under 10p and put them in a jar. When the jar gets almost too heavy to lift, I take it to Asda, cash it all in that nifty counting machine and donate it to their charity.
If I get pennys in change ........... I look for the charity box next to the till and pop it in there.
I would never say keep the change ........... I think it sounds a bit "upyersel" IMHO
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
As someone who actually sells things I never do the 99p thing if I can help it, but when I get the "keep the change" comment - I am ever so grateful. But then I guess it makes a difference when you are a market trader trying to battle it out, rather than a large commercial concern.
As for those pennies I get from the 99p return. For sure I get them - and yes they do get cashed in eventually. My bank hates me!! :twisted:
aRSexx :color:
I always wait for my change even if it is only 1p. I have a large piggy bank that I put change in, I do put some in a charity collection box at a till (not to collectors we had a thread about that recently) I had nealry £200 last year for hols to Corfu. Dont put it into the machines at super markets to be counted for your own use as it charges a percentage.
Mr Tweeky
for me it depends wot shop i am in at the time
if its a local one with a local charity box i will say for them to put it in there but if its one of the bigger stores i will get the change for i want the receipt