Well, having spent a bit of time on the site, and posted a couple of times, thought we should introduce ourselves a bit.
Phil and Jill, or Jill and Phil if you prefer, recently moved to Essex, mid 40's couple, married for 20 years and if anything happier than the day we married. Been into pervery for years and years - had our first scene before we were married actually. Don't tend to get out to clubs and suchlike very often, but enjoy it when we do.
As well as seeing other folks we also enjoy bodypainting, which is fun - we did a session once where J had a painted top and jeans on, so was actually starkers bar shoes, and went for a walk in the high street, and no-one noticed a thing. There's a small example from the set we took as our avatar.
We also do nude in public photography, which is a challenge to do it in such a way that no-one gets upset and there are no kiddies around, but we manage.
And we also go dogging now and then as well, and are just starting to suss out appropriate places not to far from us. Oh yes, and then there's webcamming as well.. I guess we could be described as 'omniperves', cos we're interested in most things!
SH seems to be a nice site, and very friendly, so we're hoping to meet people socially, at least as much (if not more) than for any other reason. Been in the chatroom a couple of times, so do feel free to say hi and such like.
Oh yes, and if anyone is interested, we've got ads at 110296 and 127399 (for meetings couples and locations for photography respectively).
Look forward to chatting to a few of you - we'll be at the Sex Maniacs Ball, so if anyone fancies saying hallo, we'll be around!