Hi all 26m here just got onto this site been in the chat rooms a bit and everyone seems friendly so thanks so far.
I am really looking to get to know people and have some fun with couples or single females, I wouldn't mind being introduced to some clubs as i am yet to go so if any1 out there can drop me a few hints or invites that would be geat.
Anywhere in the uk as i travel quite alot with my job
bye for now you saucy people
Saucy people - us ???
Welcome to the asylum, hope you enjoy yourself.
Be patient and all will become clear :twisted:
Hello and welcome to the Mad house
Hope you have a good time on here
Hiya, :welcome:
Welcome to SH..
Everyone here is very friendly,
As far as hints and tips go..Just be yourself, dont treat the place as an instant shag site and everything else will unfold..
It really is a great place and everyone is just as nice as the next person, Hope you have lots of fun
MrsB :taz:
Most people are alright.......
Just watch out for the piss heads ;)
Hi and Welcome Dicko
Hope you enjoy the site
Vicky xxx