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Mollman and I were chatting this morning about the burns on his arms and if they would scar or not. We then got into a "lethal weapon" scenario, showing old scars!!!!! rolleyes
The point to this thread is to find out the strangest places where people have been burnt on their bodies and how it happened. cool
I once burnt my tummy whilst ironing in the buff redface
Over to you folks
EVERYWHERE!!!!!! mad
Dogging at Studland Bay one summer OUCH!
lol.. i have plenty war wounds.... loads of old scars from differnt things..
however, my newwes burn is less than 20 mins old... alan threw a stuffed toy at me while i was having a cig, it knocked the head of my fag and fell on the couch burning my arse and the sofa in seconds.... i have also burnt my tits smoking in bed, but the illegal stuff that falls apart easily!
Davej burnt his ear - someone phoned him while he was ironing!! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Alkaline burns during hair removal - down below :shock:
I burnt may arm while wrapping up a blow torch flex after it had been in use for about 10 mins, as I twisted the flex around the gas bottle the extremely fecking hot metal end of the nozzle flopped onto my forearm, It only took off the top layer instantaneously....
And a different kind of burn... don't de-seed chillies then go for a pee... sting... it aint the word!
mike burnt his hands badly last year
the burns unit recomended palmers cocoa butter cream
u`d never know he burnt them now unless u really look closely
When I was an apprentice, one of the thing we had to learn was how to arc weld. One of the lads had just finished a welding run and put the welding rod handle down on the bench. Because he had his mask on he did not see it swing round. He took a step forward, connected with the still glowing end of the arc rod, it burnt straight through his overalls and got him on the end of his knob!!
We had to help him hobble to the nurse where she stuck his knob in a big bucket of cold water.
Horrible for him, but it did provide entertainment for the rest of us, yes I know, shouldn't laugh.
Absolutly true story!!
I know some one who burnt his neck because he tried ironing the collar of his shirt while he still had the shirt on rolleyes lol
i once burnt my foot putting a fag out on the back yard, i forgot i had no shoes on lol
I burnt my knuckle on an iron, and my fingers when I got the oven shelf out, forgetting I'd turned it on redface
When i was 14 and stupid,( yes, even more stupid than i am now confused :?) i got out of the bath and reached up to open the top window and the end of me knob touched the radiator :? :? :? .Thankfully no lasting damage.
Quote by Dino.
When i was 14 and stupid,( yes, even more stupid than i am now confused :?) i got out of the bath and reached up to open the top window and the end of me knob touched the radiator :? :? :? .Thankfully no lasting damage.

Ah but how do you know? It might have stunted the growth of your knob - you could have been one of these vvvwe guys by now lol
assuming that you aren't anyway redface
Quote by freckledbird
When i was 14 and stupid,( yes, even more stupid than i am now confused :?) i got out of the bath and reached up to open the top window and the end of me knob touched the radiator :? :? :? .Thankfully no lasting damage.

Ah but how do you know? It might have stunted the growth of your knob - you could have been one of these vvvwe guys by now lol
assuming that you aren't anyway redface good point, im off to claim compensation from the gloworm centeral heating co, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: wink
Quote by Dino.
When i was 14 and stupid,( yes, even more stupid than i am now confused :?) i got out of the bath and reached up to open the top window and the end of me knob touched the radiator :? :? :? .Thankfully no lasting damage.

Ah but how do you know? It might have stunted the growth of your knob - you could have been one of these vvvwe guys by now lol
assuming that you aren't anyway redface good point, im off to claim compensation from the gloworm centeral heating co, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: wink
This could be the one and only time you need cock pics :lol:
I once got a VERY serious burn on the underside of my nose. sad
I was lighting a dog end!
Quote by KitKat
I was lighting a dog end!

....... and the dog took offence!! confused :? :? :? lol
Many moons ago when I served in the navy they have extremly small toiletts there.
One of my mates smoked and wanted to throw the last bit in the loo. The burning tip got
stuck between the lid of the loo and the top of his best part. I've never ever seen sombody jump that high again.
I got out of a really hot bath once and didn't dry myself very well before leaning my back against a radiator. You should've seen the singed (?) skin, I had radiator pattern on my back for a good six months. :shock: :shock:
one of my favourite party tricks involves a burn,,when I was younger and had my harley,I was riding down an unlit road at night quite happy and content,,the next thing I remember was waking up in a daze 35 minutes later,hurting all over and thinking,'mmmm,that sunday dinner smells nice',after a few minutes trying to wrestle my head from between the swingarm and the back wheel,(Which was gradually wearing it's way through my helmet,as the bloody thing was still running)I then attempted to wrestle my leg from between what was left of the front wheel and the engine,,weirdly enough when I got my leg free it had attached to it what looked like a giant pork scratching,and smelled delicious but at least it didn't hurt,(I had cooked the back of my leg not just burnt it)as the nerves had been destroyed,,it turned out the local brats thought it was funny to throw all the warning sign/lights etc into the hole where the water main had been dug up that day,,thanx kids rolleyes any ways,the whole thig gave me a new sideline in stomach churning party tricks,now, if I want to I can clench and unclench what's left of my calf muscle as there is onle one layer of skin between it and the outside world,and everyone watching can see it in action,,just like them nasty hospital shows on telly lol
Burnt myself on the bum, bending over and forgot the iron was on behind me.
So far I have done this over 12 times, you think I would learn redface surprisedops:
But the worst burn I had was on my arm when I was 2. Left my arm in the fireplace. Didn't scream at all as far as my mother was concerned. She smelt burning flesh and ran in to see what was wrong :censored: :doh:
Got a few scars, from fighting! redface surprisedops: :oops:
Good boy now
I once burnt my tummy from ironing without anything on.....LoL......I still have a little scar there.....
Quote by Happy Cats
Got a few scars, from fighting! redface surprisedops: :oops:
Good boy now

That primary school put me right!
Excellent treatment to prevent scars being too obvious (not just burn scars) is to use any moisturiser that has lots of Calendula in it, it reduces the scar tissue. You use it once the healing has started.
You can make your own by warming calendula petals in almond oil and then using it as a massage oil (take the petals out first or you gets little yellow bits stuck all over you).
Ohhhhh i burnt my TITS when i was driving to a was elvises fault not the real one a swinging toy in the car anyway..I was trying to put the lit end out before it hit my clothes but it fell in between my tits oooch i was waving like a mad women possesed in the car driving at the time as well hehe i laugh now but it was painfull and looked awfull for days :cry:
Just my arms - used to burn the underside of my forearms a lot when I had my first job at the 'potato shop' (don't laugh it was a good little earner at 13 redface ) Taking the huge racks of tatties out of the big ovens. Thought you would be able to see the scars for years but nothing there now at all.
Cathy x
M Stood on charcoal from barbecue as a kid - was too stupid to just take his foot off the thing, and stood there saying "owww!" instead for about 5 seconds.
F burned her hand on an oven toaster (you know the type with the conductive bars instead of flame) while getting toast out. Badly scarred her hand about 2-3 inches.
My arse sad
yes really. When I was about 18 I was driving in a formula ford race at Donnington and could feel a burning sensation but with the adrenalin and all that carried on
At the end of the race I was in agony and it turned out my mechanic must have spilt petrol on the seat whilst fuelling the car.
Oh and 20 odd years later I am still carrying the scars :(
Quote by warwick
My arse sad
yes really. When I was about 18 I was driving in a formula ford race at Donnington and could feel a burning sensation but with the adrenalin and all that carried on
At the end of the race I was in agony and it turned out my mechanic must have spilt petrol on the seat whilst fuelling the car.
Oh and 20 odd years later I am still carrying the scars :(

*goes off to look at the picture of warwicks arse for scars :giggle: