"know" not "now"
"wear" not "were"
Capital "I" not "i"
"ain't" not "aint"
"don't" not "dont"
"methodkid" not "methodman"
So what happened to you, then? Last I heard you were coming up my way and we were.... :censored: and then some!!
Loathed though I am to say this as no doubt a diatribe of sexist vitriol will follow, you appear to beyond adult communication on this level...
Perhaps punctuation might give credibility to your postings, Methodman. Your petulance certainly doesn't.
Chill out, please.
OH NO.. not MORE idiocy from the juvenile deliquent!!! Can't bear it - really can't bear it.
Finger is hovering over the BAN USER button............... any bids to hold it back?? Donations to Children in Need!!!
Love Kat's pic of him in panties and stockings
Although I have spent far too long in "conversation" with you already, I am going to spell out now, in words that I hope someone like you understands, what I think of you (Basically, I'm going to tell everyone that I think you're a total toss-pot and that I think you should piss off and leave us all alone). After this, I am not going to answer any of your posts, whether you post on the forum, by PM, or by making silly comments on your signature. If other people want to comment on your fuck-wit posts then that is up to them, but I won't.
The other day I said that I hope you did not make me regret being nice to you in public. I am now regretting being nice to you in public, and as such I am going to be foul and abusive to you in public. By PM, the other day, my exact words were: "Fuck off you small minded and arrogant tw*t (read that as twit if you want, but that's not what I wrote). I now am totally sorry I refrained from saying more. What I should have said was something like: "Fuck off you small-minded and arrogant tw*t. Fuck-wits like you should not be taking part in adult conversations on adult forums, you are extremely annoying, irritating and a total wanker. Go and get a life and leave the grown-ups alone. I hope you piss off very soon, and good riddance to you. I DO NOT like you - I repeat I DO NOT like you. And yet again finally... FUCK OFF". Foul and abusive I may be, but I'm also direct and honest. You can call me all the names you want from now on, go on, let's all have a laugh at what childishness you will come up with next. Like I said, I won't respond, so I suspect you will quickly become bored with your juvenile antics, nevertheless we will laugh at you until you do. That is LAUGH AT, not laugh with, there is a difference, when you grow up you will understand this.