1. clutch at middle of chest with right hand.
2. let out a loud ugh!
3. stagger forwards two steps.
4. , grasp at a piece of furniture with left hand.
5. repeat the ugh!
6. let go of the furniture and stagger forward again, but allow the left foot to slightly fold under.
7. clutch at chest with left hand to indicate the pain has grown.
8. repeat the ugh!
9. stagger sideways until your shoulder contacts a wall.
10. gently bounce off the wall for approxiamatly three paces.
11. sink to kness, clasping chest tightly dragging the kneck line of your clothing to one side.
12. let out an aargh!
13. fall forwards and to the right, so that your right shoulder hits the ground.
14. roll onto back.
15. let out a gentle and elongated huuuuuh!
16. release both bladder and bowel content.
these instructions are only usefull for a sudden heart failure or for getting shot, they are ineffective for drowning as the ugh's! need replacing with flobloloblob's! and the staggering gets awkward. Releasing the bladder and bowel gets messy because of the wet suit however the waste that does escape has the added benefit of attracting fish life.
I want to die laughing.
I have nearly done it a few times watching Red Dwarf or Blackadder.
"Marigold with blue.... Are you crazy?"
See topic entitled Jags... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: