could I ask why you feel that you can't post in threads or is it just this one hun
Will answer later, am expecting a 'visitor'!! Hi, sorry about that!! In all seriousness, I am a daily lurker on the cafe and have been tempted to join in many times. My reason for not doing so? I have to say that I have found the attitude of a couple of long time forummmers to be at times aggressive and patronising especially to new folks. I am not myself upset by this behaviour and could well hold my own but I see the same people, time and time again, behave in that manner and no-one (by which I mean their long term forum pals) challenges them. Maybe its not so obvious to those of you already here (or perhaps it is but you choose to ignore it)but I see it clearly from the outside. Work at it from the inside you might say, and yes, I could do, and was preparing to be an active particpant but now I don't feel inclined to.. and that is my prerogative. BTW, for Varca's benefit, she is not one of these individuals and I have no gripe with her apart from the listing the names. I understand her intent and have no problem with that. PS: Yes, I got the message from Varca, accepted wholeheartedly
Unknown User
Mazalli = well said and how true. Stay with us things will, one day, get better I/we hope. medic_1