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a medical question?

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can you develop a cold sore on the lips from kissing,or is this just something that develpos as a consequence of modern living?
I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm wrong. A coldsore is a form of the herpes virus and can be caught if you've been in contact with someone when they're infectious - doesn't have t have been kissing - but more than likely, yes.
its a virus (Herpes actually) .. and can stay in you dormant for life without ever developing one .. maybe just once when triggered by something, but once you catch it, you have the virus with your for life. Yes, you can catch it by kissing.
I thought I was immune from them .. never had one in my life, then last year I developed one, but my ex partners little boy had them lots and think I got them from him, or through his Dad... either way, they are easily passed on.
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simple virus, there are 2 types of the virus, so don't start worrying!
Type 1 is generally found on the body above the waistline, type 2 below..... I don't need to say any more about that!
The virus can only be transmitted by close personal contact such as kissing. Most people will have come into contact with the virus between the ages of three and five but will not show any symptoms until after puberty.
HSV invades the cells of the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, causing fluid-filled blisters to appear. The virus travels from the epidermis along the nerve paths to the roots of the nerves where it becomes inactive.
A weakening of the body's defences, due to a severe cold for example, can lead to a reactivation of the virus and a return of the blisters.
As for what can be done to prevent them....
Avoid direct contact with the sores. These can appear on every part of the body, including the fingers and genitals.
Wash your hands after touching the lips.
Avoid picking at the sores as this can spread the virus to other parts of the body or result in a bacterial infection of the sores.
The body's defences can be strengthened by a healthy lifestyle. Eat a varied diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
The factors which trigger outbreaks differ from person to person.
Menstruation, fever and exposure to sunlight can cause a reactivation in some people. In others, there is no demonstrable cause. Using a sunblock may help to prevent a reactivation.
Hope this helps.
Quote by H-x
I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm wrong. A coldsore is a form of the herpes virus and can be caught if you've been in contact with someone when they're infectious - doesn't have t have been kissing - but more than likely, yes.

Be very careful though - Oral sex is a common way of passing on cold sores from one person’s mouthto another person’s genitals (genital herpes).
Common reasons for recurrences are tiredness, illness, stress, being run down, menstruation, too much alcohol or the ultraviolet rays from sunlight or sunbeds.
Apparantly Avocados (eating them, unfortunately-yuk!) help to prevent recurrances.
Cream containing Aclivor (?) makes them shift faster.
Quote by Kiss_Me
I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm wrong. A coldsore is a form of the herpes virus and can be caught if you've been in contact with someone when they're infectious - doesn't have t have been kissing - but more than likely, yes.

Be very careful though - Oral sex is a common way of passing on cold sores from one person’s mouthto another person’s genitals (genital herpes).
Common reasons for recurrences are tiredness, illness, stress, being run down, menstruation, too much alcohol or the ultraviolet rays from sunlight or sunbeds.
probably best to just abstain completely , to be on the safe side eh mad
thats me , now going to sit inthe cupboard under the stair, where nobody can infect me with anything sad
Quote by SexySara
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simple virus, there are 2 types of the virus, so don't start worrying!
Type 1 is generally found on the body above the waistline, type 2 below..... I don't need to say any more about that!
The virus can only be transmitted by close personal contact such as kissing. Most people will have come into contact with the virus between the ages of three and five but will not show any symptoms until after puberty.
HSV invades the cells of the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, causing fluid-filled blisters to appear. The virus travels from the epidermis along the nerve paths to the roots of the nerves where it becomes inactive.
A weakening of the body's defences, due to a severe cold for example, can lead to a reactivation of the virus and a return of the blisters.
As for what can be done to prevent them....
Avoid direct contact with the sores. These can appear on every part of the body, including the fingers and genitals.
Wash your hands after touching the lips.
Avoid picking at the sores as this can spread the virus to other parts of the body or result in a bacterial infection of the sores.
The body's defences can be strengthened by a healthy lifestyle. Eat a varied diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
The factors which trigger outbreaks differ from person to person.
Menstruation, fever and exposure to sunlight can cause a reactivation in some people. In others, there is no demonstrable cause. Using a sunblock may help to prevent a reactivation.
Hope this helps.

There are two types of Herpes :-
Herpes Simplex = thats the one that causes the above.
Herpes Zoster = Causes Shingles and can be very painfull.

Dont confuse the two.
Quote by Medic_1
Herpes Zoster = Causes Shingles and can be very painfull.

Had that on the run up to my A-levels... not nice at all.. and a person with shingles can infect someone with chicken pox. Once a person has had chickenpox, they will have immunity to the disease for the rest of their life. However, the virus may return later in life as shingles.
There you go... that's the extent of my knowledge on the subject. lol
Never had a cold sore though... touch wood
Quote by celestria
There you go... that's the extent of my knowledge on the subject. lol
Never had a cold sore though... touch wood

Follow up with this >>>>>>
An old wives tale goes the if you had Shingles on your waist and it met in the middle you would die. As there is no cutaneous nerve that goes around the waist it will never happen.
There are two types of Herpes simplex virus (HSV1 and HSV2), which are distiguishable antigentically. The cause a wide variety of clinical syndromes, the basic lesion being an intraepithelial vesicle, from which the virus is shed. Infection can be spread from person to person, usually via saliva or cold sores, and frequently by kissing.
When first infected the virus replicates in cells in the oral mucosa and forms virus-rich vesicles (cold sores). These vesicles then ulcerate and become coated with a greyish white slough.
During this primary infection, the virus particles enter sensory nerve endings in the lesion and a transported to the dorsal root ganglion (a nerve), where they initiate a latent infection in sensory neurones (lie dormant). The lesion heals after the immune system mounts an antibody response. The latent virus remains in the sensory ganglion for life. Certain circumstances (feeling run down, menstruation, immunocompromise, sun exposure etc) allow the virus to reactivate and spread down sensory nerves to cause another cold sore at the site of the original infection. Pain, burning or itching preceeds the appearance of the lesion, this is due to virus activity in the sensory neurones.
Primary infection may also occur; in the eye - causing keratitis and conjuntivitis, the finger - herpetic whitlow, other skin sites follwing direct contact with infected vesicle where there is rubbing or trauma - scrum pox, herpes gladitorium, genital tract - HSV2 arose as a sexually transmitted variant of HSV1 but the sites infected by the two types are now less clearly distinct (meaning yes you can catch genital herpes from recieving oral sex from someone with a cold sore).
Serious complications associated with HSV infection include; infection of eczematous skin areas leading to severe disease in young children, acute necrotizing encephalitis (this is what the papers mean when they talk about a flesh eating bug - it isn't a bug but a syndrome caused by a variety of pathogens), neonatal infection acquired from genital tract of mother, Infection (primary or reactivating) in immunocompromised individuals causes a very serious disease.
Les x
had shingles on the back of my leg and on the buttock ( most uncomfortable)...but was`nt promiscuous or in relationships other than with partner. however at the time playing a lot of rugby and other team it possible to have picked up infection this way?
Quote by robhambledon
had shingles on the back of my leg and on the buttock ( most uncomfortable)...but was`nt promiscuous or in relationships other than with partner. however at the time playing a lot of rugby and other team it possible to have picked up infection this way?

Yup, that is exactly how you pick up "scrum pox". Although this is different from "shingles" which is a reactivation of the "Varicella Zoster" virus, which is a genetically different virus but a member of the same family.
Les x
Quote by couple_ne2000
had shingles on the back of my leg and on the buttock ( most uncomfortable)...but was`nt promiscuous or in relationships other than with partner. however at the time playing a lot of rugby and other team it possible to have picked up infection this way?

Yup, that is exactly how you pick up "scrum pox". Although this is different from "shingles" which is a reactivation of the "Varicella Zoster" virus, which is a genetically different virus but a member of the same family.
Les x
cheers......must remember to wear long cycling shorts for next season lol
Quote by robhambledon
thats me , now going to sit inthe cupboard under the stair, where nobody can infect me with anything sad
You'll probably end up with woodworm lol
Quote by Waterpistol
thats me , now going to sit inthe cupboard under the stair, where nobody can infect me with anything sad
You'll probably end up with woodworm lol
who told you about the wooden leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just have to leave the leg alongside the wig
the glass eye
the false teeth
okay,okay and the penis enlarger...... mad
Something that others haven't mentioned is that you can get the virus from using a towel that an infected person has used or through touch (infected person touches their sore then shakes your hand or pinches your cheek...) Just stay clear of people with sores on their mouths or warts on their genitals and always carry a torch for the essential checkup at clubs! LOL Alternatively, play only with people you trust.
Quote by Tania
Just stay clear of people with sores on their mouths or warts on their genitals.........

Damn! I was SO looking forward to kissing db!!
Don't forget that once infected, the virus can remain dormant and reappear as a cold sore at any time.
So don't be mislead into any silly assumptions that the development of a cold sore implies that the unfortunate sufferrer has recently been in close contact with an infected transmitter.
Partnership breakdowns can be caused by small misunderstandings!
good to see some heavy duty health knowledge out there .... Hands up NHS employees smile