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a question for the more experianced ones

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i was just wondering if any of had any idea how i can make sure the ads are genuine
we replyed to an ad
BUT then saw a post about reporters
is it safer to go to a munch first and get to know people
i am gunuenly intrested in the ad i replyed to im just worried that it might not be genuine
dunno anyone confused:
I guess a good way is to get them on msn and see if theyll go on webcam,just to chat then you can see if they are who they look like in theyre than that go on your instincts.
We always chat to peeps on msn first and get to know them a bit,usually sorts out the timewasters and people posing as others,you should see our block list rolleyes
Maybe, i have been on meets (yes believe or not guys!) its nice to speak with someone on the phone beforehand to get to know them a little first.
Im sure everyone will have different thoughts and in the end its up to you and what you feel comfortable arranging.
thanx guys
i think i will do that first then
the msn thingy kiss
We look for a qualifying pic of both the male and the female to make sure it's not just a pic hunter.
Something along the lines of a picture of the couple together (doesn't have to be explicit) with a sheet of paper showing our add printed out or similar.
It may seem a bit over the top but we've found it works.
Just dont except any excuses!
A phone call also works further down the line.
All these work only to prove it's a couple. It says nothing of job or intentions.
Hope that helps a bit wink
On occasion I've exchanged loads of emails, then texts, then phone calls with someone and got as far as giving them my address, only to have them not show and then never hear from them again! (Their problem not mine). So it doesn't always work. But I guess, like anything, it's a numbers game. Hang in there and for every 50 timewasters if you get one genuine good reply it's worth it.
Good luck!!
:bounce: :bounce:
Quote by Eagerslut9
got as far as giving them my address, only to have them not show

I'm not easily shocked, but giving your address to someone you've never met? I'm all for adventurism, but isn't that just reckless? Call me paranoid, but a public place for a first meeting is an absolute MUST in my book. Each to their own, but the idea of a total stranger knocking on my door expecting God knows what fills me with unmitigated horror. :shock:
I would love to find a reporter couple, do the deed and then tell my side, lol... besides even if I didnt get to lay the reporters, think of the free publicity, lol
Simply, phone convo to prove sexes is a good start, meet at a social function (club/pub), if you all click... go for it....
To be honest, even the sun and NOTW is bored of doing "dirty swingers," exposes, every one knows people swing, everone excepts it... there is no story there anymore, there are "private health clubs" that are swingers venues, and eveyone including the police and licensing authourities know the truith, and no one gives a damn (except nottingham CC, arseholes)
A couple or single getting up to some fun with others is no longer deemed newsworthy.
The only thing I would say tho, is if someone is always looking over their shoulder because they would not want to be found out... then perhaps they shouldnt swing... If someone is so worried about being outed, then chances are they will end up with someone working it out and giving them grief! Theres a huge difference between "i'd prefer my parents/work/friends didnt know" and "I'm fecked if they ever find out"
Quote by JudyTV

I agree with you, it may seem harsh... but if someone is in a position where the knowledge of what they do for fun would harm them if found out, then perhaps they should not do it...
My personal feeling is "if they don't like what I like, and I don't hurt anyone, then feck them," but others may dont have that luxuary....
If you look back to before being gay was more in the open, there were jobs when being found out would land you in trouble (not thinking forces here) it was more... if you are gay and someone finds out you might be open to blackmail that you would give into to hide the fact... the problem was that this drove people to either not being true to who they were, or it did mean that being outed was always at the forefront of their minds... it was the fear that was the problem, not what the person did per-say.
Quite frankly if a judge or counciler was to say "hey you know what... I swing, I love it... feck off" it would kill a story dead... but its the worry about being found out, and the denial that makes it into a story... especially if someone publically denounces others getting up to what they themselves get up to.
My mother doesnt know I swing, she doesnt know I'm bi, heck I'm not even sure if I've had the courage to show my tats to her, lol... but if she found out then while it may cause problems and friction for a time... I would like to think she would get over it and still accept me as who I am and as her son!
(assuming its a true story) if the navy can accept a "satinist" as a member of the crew (personally I think it was a rank that was takin the piss) then just about everyone can accept someone for who they are!
Perhaps I'm lucky so far... I've had people find out and give me the :shock: look, and its taken a few weeks before they "forgot," and I'm sure there will be people that were friends that would then shun me, and others that would ridicule me, but if I hide what I like then not only does it make me a hypocrite, but it leaves me open to people putting preasure on me.
The quickest way I have found to stop a problem is to say "yeah, I do, I love 3somes and moresomes, its a real buzz, like being in a live porn film" they either walk aways tutting, or ask more questions, lol.
I'm not saying be an in your face "i'm this" type... purely, if someone finds out then so what... Most people know I swing, and most people know I'm bi... and after finding out they either stay friends, or they dont! Apart from here I dont publicise it, but people do find out... if I (or someone) was that worried then I would not frequent a place such as this because of the worry about being found out.
It is really difficult trying to suss out who are the timewasters. Even after a phone call involving all parties, it can still fall flat on its face.
Quote by piercedJon

I agree with you, it may seem harsh... but if someone is in a position where the knowledge of what they do for fun would harm them if found out, then perhaps they should not do it...
My personal feeling is "if they don't like what I like, and I don't hurt anyone, then feck them," but others may dont have that luxuary....
If you look back to before being gay was more in the open, there were jobs when being found out would land you in trouble (not thinking forces here) it was more... if you are gay and someone finds out you might be open to blackmail that you would give into to hide the fact... the problem was that this drove people to either not being true to who they were, or it did mean that being outed was always at the forefront of their minds... it was the fear that was the problem, not what the person did per-say.
Quite frankly if a judge or counciler was to say "hey you know what... I swing, I love it... feck off" it would kill a story dead... but its the worry about being found out, and the denial that makes it into a story... especially if someone publically denounces others getting up to what they themselves get up to.
My mother doesnt know I swing, she doesnt know I'm bi, heck I'm not even sure if I've had the courage to show my tats to her, lol... but if she found out then while it may cause problems and friction for a time... I would like to think she would get over it and still accept me as who I am and as her son!
(assuming its a true story) if the navy can accept a "satinist" as a member of the crew (personally I think it was a rank that was takin the piss) then just about everyone can accept someone for who they are!
Perhaps I'm lucky so far... I've had people find out and give me the :shock: look, and its taken a few weeks before they "forgot," and I'm sure there will be people that were friends that would then shun me, and others that would ridicule me, but if I hide what I like then not only does it make me a hypocrite, but it leaves me open to people putting preasure on me.
The quickest way I have found to stop a problem is to say "yeah, I do, I love 3somes and moresomes, its a real buzz, like being in a live porn film" they either walk aways tutting, or ask more questions, lol.
I'm not saying be an in your face "i'm this" type... purely, if someone finds out then so what... Most people know I swing, and most people know I'm bi... and after finding out they either stay friends, or they dont! Apart from here I dont publicise it, but people do find out... if I (or someone) was that worried then I would not frequent a place such as this because of the worry about being found out.
as far as people finding out ......i couldnt give a monkeys.....however my exhusband is a tw@t and if he found out what i was upto not only would be asulky arse it would give him grounds to yet again make up stories that my children are in danger and i am doing it front of them etc etc etc
then it would result in a long drawn out court battle .he would try for residence and say im an unfit mother and my patner is an unfit person to have around the children
so you can see why i want it to be discreet
Ive been on a couple of meets the both times exchanged phone numbers and spoke to the couple and both times they didn't show. Now I only meet in a certain radius unless I actually feel like going out for a ride out on my motorbike anyway.
hi thank judy for the points you make i am very bisexual even gone to cross dress on occasions but my problem is i am an entertainer and in the public eye even my car has my name on the number plates hence a lot of the time i am very restricted in what i can do but in essence frustrated have the desire but not the chance to fulfill it what i do might frighten the natives lol being to canal street once this year and got a nice welcome but then again to many people reconised me read the message board on here loads of times i envy some of you so being able to express you self in the open LEE
Personally I like to get to know the people I meet online a little before we move to a R/L meet, whether that be by using cam's on an online service, or just by chatting on the phone. In my opinion its always better to be friends first.
Also I should advise a neutral meet somewhere public for your first meeting, tends to make you and the other party feel a lot more relaxed.
Good luck to you
I think the best way (and cheapest) is to meet people through the munches, at least then ya know there genuine,
talking about munch 126 hours till the Notts Munch