Off out, away for the rest of the weekend in about 10 minutes.
Before I go, I have a question for you.
Why, as a straight, single bloke; would I have a need to buy nail polish/varnish (whatever the feck it's called) remover.
I am straight.
I don't cross dress.
No ladies actually live here.
It's not for removing varnish from me.
I don't keep it for visitors to use. (Although they would be welcome to use it if they had need)
My two favourite horny blondes are specificallyprohibited from answering.
Do you have chewing gum on your carpet ?
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You've had to wear an elastoplast and now need to get the black sticky marks off you??
some bastard has super glued something to ya dammie and you need to get it off.
Now clearly they havn't put a dab on the toilet seat...(thats my favourite) else you wouldn't be off out, they might have waited for you to drop off last night in a drunken stupour and put a drop on your finger and then wedged said finger up yer nose..(.my second favourite) but really that needs releasing with warm water cos of the dangers of inhalation of the remover fumes.
so my guess is it's my third favourite 'stupid men out on a beano trick' and they've stuck something to your forhead like your mobile and then kept ringing you.
you play guitar, and have to look after your nails.
thats my guess, but probably wrong.
i use it for cleaning the telly screan, try it it gets loads of dirt off that u didn't know was there lol
Cos it fascinates you how it dries so quickly.
Have you got a video recorder that needs cleaning.......if not forget mate and go to B&Q for some guy shoppping
you could drink it if ya run outta wine