on saturday nite at the lovely satins party i was told it was not the done thing to wonder round the house in a g string and biker boots looking for a shag
as i had my boots on
well damn it i did go a looking
and god damn it i found 1 and left my boots on
with no complaints from a willing partner
could any 1 plz tell me where such Etiquette came from
I have no idea but I know a certain other party guest who I LOVED seeing in his shiny red boots :twisted:
Not sure Lep, but you got proved right in the end!!!
And I was one of those who didn't think it would happen...
But you do hear of all those war heroes / explorers who wanted to die with their boots on.... Do you think they shagged in them too??
Kiss me Hardy...
Not in those boots Nelson...
thank u 4 standing up and admiting u were wrong (a man of courage)
but i also note that if they were red and high heeled thats ok (note here del like ur red boots)
i'm writing here for equality here to ride shag fuck bang bugger or do what ever in what ever pair of boots u is wearing as long as they been wiped at the door coming in (my mammy did teach me some manners) unless u real kinky
dear eagerslut even in laybys shagging with boots should b allowed or is this just a southern rouge hijacking this very important thread
u is nothing but a good for nothing thread hijacking whore and if i see u round these parts again will let ur tyres down
be warned i will bring u up at the next council meeting of the little people and have them on the look out for u to cause u nothing but mischief be warned and be off with u
well wait till me old mucker padder o'hara gets at ur desiel tank with sugar boy that will teach u
and i'm showing plunket me goat a picture of you so he know where to stick his horns in u
lets have a leave ur boots on for shagging day
well my boyfriend loves if when i'm still wearing my boots. Its a special treat