I have a querie about taste. Does anyone remeber an episode of SEX IN THE CITY where Samantha was complaining that her current partner had funky tasting spunk? Well I'm friends with a very nice lady, we only meet 4 or 5 times a year due to her job commitments. She is an absolute fanatic for oral, in fact the last twice we've met we never even got round to sex we just took turns to lick & suck till we were both more than satisfied.
During a lull in the fun while i was recovering we got to talking about the various tastes that you get from oral, apart from the obvious slight saltiness there was a range of things from sweet to bitter we'd both experienced over the years.
This got me thinking, I've heard about things eating cinnamon toast or strawberriesgive you a sweet taste, while asparagas makes it bitter.
So what I was wondering is have any of you got any experience or advice on what to use to make things more pleasant? What to use, how much, how often, & how long does it last? Any thoughts?