When a friend of mine had a gay wedding (or whatever you want to call it - can't remember they called theirs now) they wrote there own words for the service....
Mind you this was about 7 yrs ago now - no idea if things have changed or not..
Ive been to a couple of lesbian civil partnerships and a gay civil partnership.
They were all different one was in a church and they had there own special vows that they decided on together and there were a lot of people there.
Another was in a registary office and was a quiet affair with Standard vows.
The other was at a Nightclub and was more like a carnival.
Every relationship is different u may have a very straight acting guy marrying a camp guy. They would use different names for each other than say 2 camp guys. Formally they would always use partner.
Girls would be similar they would use partner formally. Best thing is if the situation arises just use partner. A lot of girls use missus or wife and guys would use hubby or husband e.t.c
Whatever happens everything is pretty similar to normal weddings family during the day quite formal then in the evening food and everyone generally gets drunk and dances to dodgy music. One of the weddings I went to had karaoke. People generaly sit in there own little groups and when they have had more drinks mingle a bit more.
just have a fun and don't ask too many questions.
How does a gay divorce work? I mean, if there's no woman involved, who gets the house and the car? Or if there's no man involved, who gets done for maintenance?
Cynic? Moi? ;)
Th wedding in a church was b4 civil partnerships and it was a blessing. The couple still classed it as a wedding.
Every Gay couple uses Partner in a formal way so if they are tallking to a work colleague they would use partner for example, once they get to know someone better,they may feel more comfortable using something else. Lets just say that you were at a lesbian wedding and u overheard one of their friends relate to one of the couple as "bird" and then you used that yourself and u barely know the couple then it wouldn't go down too well.
Yeah when I said dont ask too many questions I meant the ones relating to there sexuality, Obviously "where are u going on your honeymoon" is a valid question.
Obviously the best thing to do would be to use common sense.