hands up who likes the coffee flavour in revel chocalates
who likes coffee flavour with any kind of chocalate :confused: :confused:
does anybody else agrre that this flavour should be banned :D :D
Quote by Horous
Not at all, otherwise I'd never get to have a chocolate, they are all that's left when I get offered a go.
Quote by smokerjim
I haven't eaten Revels for decades! But there is a stupid game I saw described on the Net called "Revel Roulette". :silly: Just get a bag of Revels, a few friends, find out by consensus which centre is the 'bullet' ( so far seems to be the coffee one by a small margin ) and everybody eats them, one at a time - until someone bites into 'the bullet'. The tension is increased because you never know if there is 1, 2, 3, or more in a bag! All the better for a forfeit for the loser and ten times better after a night's liquid libation :twisted: :twisted: