it has come to my attention in recent days that there may be the merest hint of a possibility of a suggestion of a problem in the general area of repetitive threads. it was Ice Pie first mentioned it, so it's probably wise to blame him for what follows. as our membership expands at an almost exponential rate, it is becoming ever harder to come up with an original topic, so . . . while idly musing on the ways of the world over a slice of toast and a nice cup of yorkshire tea, i began to wonder if there might be a solution to what i have chosen to call Recurring Thread Syndrome"
it seemed to me, there must be some way of knowing whether any topic you care to mention is either bold and brave and new, or deader than a dodo and starting to smell funny. once again i decided to set out on a long and arduous process of scientific enquiry, and today ladies and gentleman, i'm pleased to announce there is indeed a solution, and i have discovered it!

it's obvious to the trained scientist like myself, that if we could only first discover somehow exactly which topics had been covered before on SH, we could also go on to discover the converse. namely, which topics have never once arisen in the entire history of Swinging Heaven!!!! so . . . i propose to send out our new, all-singing, all-dancing search engine ((( that would be you Rainbows! ))) to compile for me a list of every topic ever, ever done.
now this is the clever bit. once that's done and printed out, i'll take this as my starting point, and armed with a large black marker, scrub out every word that appears on this list from the Oxford English Dictionary. what we have left is a rough and ready volume of several million words that have never once appeared in thread titles.
refining the procedure still further, we can weed out the more obvious non-starters, like aardvark and xylophone, and what have you, leaving us with several hundred thousand potential original topics.
it gets a bit slower from this point on. if i then type every word that's left into notepad, and collate and compile and categorise and other words beginning with C them into some kind of ginormous post, then all anyone would have to do, is consult my thread, pick out any topic that catches their eye, and away they go. having posted a thread on the topic, they then quote my list, delete the topic they picked, and resubmit the modified list of available topics for the next punter. hey presto . . an original topic every time, and repetition consigned to the dustbin forever! :D
i'm sure you'll agree, this is most definitely the way forward!
