Well if I got an email like that id email back and tell them to F$*k right off! Or if I had their phone number , id prfer to ring them and tell them to fuck right off. If they didnt put the phone down too quickly id then tell them not to be so up themselves and not to take the odd fuck so fucking seriously , and to seek counselling for their attitude problem , but mostly as long as I got the fuck right off comment in id be happy .
I think the most that should be said is that it didn't work out on that occasion, and this only if you are actually friends with the person asking. If a stranger asked just because they knew I had met someone I would tell them none of their business.
It is also a good point that one bad meet doesn't necessarily mean the person is not worth meeting, I personally find that first meetings are a bit hit and miss as there are so many possible issues until you get to know each other.
Roger the Dragon.
I agree with what has already been said - if the person was dangerous or a downright liar etc then it's right to warn others. But it's a little unfair to start giving "shag ratings" or anything like that.
Sometimes a persons sexual capabilities canseem low but I really do think it can depend on the partner they're with - after all it takes at least 2 to tango as they say.
There are always other circumstances to be taken into account and the fact is that some people just don't hit it off sexually.
Here are some of my thoughts...
If you have met a person or couple and arranged this privately – then that is what it is – private!
If this was not done privately – well it is still your own experience and what ‘floats your boat’ may ‘sink’ someone else’s or vice versa. Each to their own and life is just one big learning experience! Keep thy gob shut and let the other person/s decide if it works for them or not.
If someone decides to start telling people they have met me (without my consent) and telling people I can vouch for them or describing what we have done – well they better have ‘floated my boat’ because I consider them fair game for an honest yet balanced and objective appraisal – though not a public post.
If someone is stupid enough to ask me to tell people about them and give me an agenda of points to cover – they are fair game for an honest and balanced assessment. Though the amount of detail would vary depending on how well I knew the person asking.
If someone is telling great big whopper pork-pies – I would have to consider the circumstances and the possible outcomes.
If someone is telling great big whopper pork-pies to a close friend – I would tell the close friend – no doubt there.
If I truly believed a person was a potential danger – I would have no doubts about explaining why I felt that way.
I believe sexual performance is both subjective and relative. I am sure I am not the only person who has a variety of friends they meet and each friend brings something 'different' to an experience.
Well if anyone needs a reference for my performance they can ask Pam.