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A Southerner is for life........................

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11 watchers
Quote by Alexandra

And.... you've put the wonderful boob avatar up again. :shock: How do you expect a poor mortal like me to sleep tonight.

Sincere apologies Paul
I'll just have a hot dog instead!
Apology accepted. Just don't do it again. lol
Now, had better not hijack this thread anymore ... or the great Mod in the sky (The Sarge) will bring down fire upon us.
Off to peel some spuds, chop some onions and open a bottle of vino
You are right - I may end up being 'punished' by Sarge!
But....... I haven't hijacked it - I was just chatting with my southern adoptee! rolleyes
No good adopting someone if you can't look after them is it?
It seems that most of the action seems to lie "North of the Border". lol
Most ads seem to be from further north or london area, not a whole lot seems to happen down here in lowly Devon area. :cry:
Must have to find a way to rectify that though.. cool
Seeing as we cant get adopted as a couple perhaps I can persuade you to adopt us as singles.
.......davej thinks that if this comes off, he can have mrs davej on a bus with her bags within the hour and then he can say bollocks to the tiling and go on the piss with his mates instead....
Quote by davej
.......davej thinks that if this comes off, he can have mrs davej on a bus with her bags within the hour and then he can say bollocks to the tiling and go on the piss with his mates instead....

Don't forget to get the mobile phone off her before you get her on the bus biggrin lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by davej
Seeing as we cant get adopted as a couple perhaps I can persuade you to adopt us as singles.
.......davej thinks that if this comes off, he can have mrs davej on a bus with her bags within the hour and then he can say bollocks to the tiling and go on the piss with his mates instead....

Oh OK ,Dave, I'll adopt your mrs then! :rascal: Just let me know which bus she'll be on and I'll arrange to make sure she will be properly looked after hump 69position
Tell me, will she have a label tied to her coat, so that I know who she is? I would hate to take home the wrong lady and leave her at the station :grin:
Mmmmmmm, baggsy Bi-Arabella. :P :P
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
cute n cuddly southernlass seeks adoption is house trained and is a pet lover
can cook and make brews
and i even love eating pies on a wigan bus
voddy xxxxxx

erm.......not sure if the pies/wigan bus thing is a vague sexual reference i know nowt about, but you'll be nowhere near wigan if 'ave owt t' do wi' it!!! ;-)
and mike?? think you'll find there's rather a long queue matey!!! so get to t'back!!!
neil x x x x
Quote by Sappho
Well the obvious choice for me would be Will - but he spends half his time above Birmingham and so is practically naturalised. Therefore I adopt Perfect Stranger. Actually, can I adopt more than one?
Sappho xxx

:eeek: Oi! One at a time please! And as for being practically naturalised, I'm still a southerner and proud of it! Bloody cheek! Outrageous! duel
I'm moving house next week, moving south of the Thames where I belong! Naturalised indeed!
Will stomps off in a huff, though rather looking forward to making up with Sappho hump .
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
cute n cuddly southernlass seeks adoption is house trained and is a pet lover can cook and make brews
and i even love eating pies on a wigan bus
voddy xxxxxx

If you can iron as well consider yourself adoptedbiggrin
Quote by mal609
Oh OK ,Dave, I'll adopt your mrs then! :rascal: Just let me know which bus she'll be on and I'll arrange to make sure she will be properly looked after hump 69position
Tell me, will she have a label tied to her coat, so that I know who she is? I would hate to take home the wrong lady and leave her at the station :grin:

Top man Mal !!! didnt have time to pin a label on her but it should be easy enough to spot her, she will be the one with 5 kids under the age of 11 in tow and a pair of scruffy looking lurchers.
'Ecky thump - just my luck. I go out one evening and find Sarge has floated this one :!: :!:
I feel like the last kid left at the orphanage. :cry: :cry:
Quote by westerross
I feel like the last kid left at the orphanage. :cry: :cry:

Nope Tune, I'm still here rolleyes
Feels very similar to school when they were picking the sports teams confused
Maybe it's cos I am sooo South I am beyond help blink
Or they're too scared I will eat all the pies :twisted:
So....... who is paired off with who now????? dunno
Or they're too scared I will eat all the pies :twisted:

I likes pies i do... lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by guardian1128
I likes pies i do... lol :lol: :lol:

:lol2: I think maybe we should've kept that bit of info about ourselves a secret, we will never get ourselves adopted now!
OK, I have just had an awful thought - is that a catchphrase for something I've never heard of? Have I just made myself even more unadoptable by not getting it blink LOL
Nicole Kidman is into adoption isn't she? ..... hang on, but she's not a northerner, so I'd have to turn her down for the purposes of this thread, oh well.
Can I adopt 2 please Sarge? Tune and Misschief are looking terribly sorry for themselves, and I have an almost inexhaustible supply of pies, so it doesn't worry me that they like them. Mushy peas and gravy are available as well, so they won't go short - plus, I happen to know that Misschief gives extremely fantabulous hugs, could do with someone like that on tap.
Oh, just a thought, is Shrewsbury south of Birmingham? Hope not, can't afford to adopt 3!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
well no one has chosen me yet so I am sulking ..big time :cry:
I have a good warm home if anybody wants to share it? I even have an 'inside' toilet. Which is quite rare in Yorkshire. confused
The Frey Bentos factor is in visible range so every morning you are greated with a lovely smell of pie. I can make proper Yorkshire Puddings, not them cheap rip offs of Aunt Bessies from the freezer, yuk.
Now who would like to be adopted by a fun loving mole? cool
Quote by Alexandra
Can I have one???

I'll adopt you, Alex kiss
Everyone (except the Scots, and I'm afraid of getting too close to them) is a southener to me.
i have decided not to addopt anyone!
an adoptee is for life as sarge says... and the thought of having to be on my best behaviour for life is way beyond me!
i will just stick with my fostering efforts.. where i take a southerner in for a while (typically a sat night) entertain them, feed them, and then send them home!
Quote by well_busty_babe
i have decided not to addopt anyone!
an adoptee is for life as sarge says... and the thought of having to be on my best behaviour for life is way beyond me!
i will just stick with my fostering efforts.. where i take a southerner in for a while (typically a sat night) entertain them, feed them, and then send them home!

Bugger lol
Well, I love it down South anyway and would not have wanted to go North anyway.
I'm not upset at all. No siree, not me. confused
It does not bother me in the slightest that no one wants to adopt me.. I'm much better off in my southern mansion. Driving my Porsche and the butler looking after me.. So there!!!!!
Having managed to parcel up the mrs along with the kids and lurchers and palm them all off onto Mal, (boy is that gonna test his patience and wallet) I have yet to be adopted or even as WBB suggests fostered.
I am cheap to keep, never want feeding as I generally eat out, I work away from home all week so only come home at the weekends to cut grass and do other manly things with hammers and saws and stuff. I hang all my own clothes up, always keep my room tidy and turn down the stereo on the first request. Even when I do come home on a Friday night, I get up and go play golf all day Saturday so I would never be under your feet. I love going dancing and shopping (not groceries) in fact you would hardly know I was there.
If it tips the scales anywhere, I also have unlimited supplies of chocolate.
Don't worry, DaveJ, I hadn't forgotten you. I've just been busy getting jobs sorted out for the brats, err lovely little ankle biters. So far I've got two lined up as sweeps (yes, we still use them, we just don't publicise it) and the other three in the Treacle Mines in Sabden. The dogs I've put to good use fending off all the other suvverners sending me junk mail saying 'Pick me! Pick Me!' - pathetic really!
As for Mrs Davej, isn't she lovely!! :lickface: Well, she's hardly given me time to report on how she's settling in! She is so beneficial to my needs, I can't see why you let her go 'yep, little lower, yea, just there' .
Her cooking is amazing, the feasts she conjures up. A little concerned over her blinking in the sunlight, she said it was to do with you keeping her in a dark, padded room for so much'Oh Yes, that's terrific, slowly, slowly, a bit deeper, hmmm perfect!'
Anyway, I believe something is just about to boil over. If I get the time I'll report back - ' yes, yes, that's it!!'
Quote by davej
I am cheap to keep, never want feeding as I generally eat out, I work away from home all week so only come home at the weekends to cut grass and do other manly things with hammers and saws and stuff. I hang all my own clothes up, always keep my room tidy and turn down the stereo on the first request. Even when I do come home on a Friday night, I get up and go play golf all day Saturday so I would never be under your feet. I love going dancing and shopping (not groceries) in fact you would hardly know I was there.
If it tips the scales anywhere, I also have unlimited supplies of chocolate.

you know.... i think i am in love! redface
can we just confirm a little point though.....
are you paying when we go shopping????????
i am not selfish though.. would treat you to some lovely new undies for me! oooh and the matching thingh high boots "swoon"
i will start window shopping whilst you make your way up north, and dont forget to put the choc in a cool box!
WBB the "new" mrs J
Yes WWB i do pay when out on the shopping trips. We will be wrestling over the chocolate though as I am addicted to the stuff.
As for Mal best of luck at your end, Just remember to send the kids back once you've done for their education and payed off the student loans that will happen once they grow up.
WBB honey now thats sorted I will just drop off into the travel agents on the way, we might as well start off with a well earned break somewhere sunny.
Quote by davej
WBB honey now thats sorted I will just drop off into the travel agents on the way, we might as well start off with a well earned break somewhere sunny.

errr be seeing you lot around sometime maybe! wink
just remember.. i might not be here - but my votes still count for best bum... mal for biteing, tongue for squeezing!
off to do some holls shopping
Quote by well_busty_babe

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: